Academic, administrative and technical staff, appointed by the University of Malta Council, are eligible to apply for an Erasmus+ mobility. The eligibility period of the Erasmus+ Mobility for mobility will be between 1 August 2025 and 31 July 2026 . There are two types of staff mobility:
Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching may be carried out by all resident and visiting academic staff at UM who are appointed by Council. The mobility for teaching must be carried out at a Higher Education Institution that is a holder of an Erasmus University Charter and with which the UM has signed an inter-institutional agreement (in your study area).
The minimum duration is two working days (excluding travel) and the maximum duration is two months. A teaching activity requires a minimum of eight hours teaching per week (also applicable for shorter durations). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that
week. If the teaching activity is combined with a training activity, during a single period abroad involving the development of pedagogical skills and/or development of curriculum content (such as study-units or programmes), the number of required hours of teaching per week is reduced to four hours.
Erasmus+ staff mobility for training may be carried out by all academic, administrative and technical staff at UM who are appointed by Council. The staff training must be carried out at a Higher Education Institution that holds an Erasmus University Charter or any public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth.
The minimum duration is two working days (excluding travel) and the maximum duration is two months.
Download the Data Privacy Statement [PDF].
To apply, you are to complete the application form for staff for teaching or training (google form) as applicable and attach the relevant documentation (the Mobility Agreement - Staff Mobility for Teaching/Training).
Staff mobility for teaching
Staff mobility for training
Aside from the available placement list, the UM is currently participating in the SEA-EU Alliance together with the following 8 other European universities:
University of Bretagne Occidentale, France
University of Cadiz, Spain
University of Gdansk, Poland
University of Split, Croatia
Kiel University, Germany
University of Naples-Parthenope, Italy
University of Algarve, Portugal
Nord University, Norway
Deadline - 30 April 2025 (16:00)
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
All applications will be considered for eligibility and will then proceed to the next stage of selection as outlined in the Erasmus+ programme guide issued by the European Commission.
The applications will be reviewed by two external assessors who will evaluate applications according to the established guidelines. Both independent assessors are provided with the Erasmus+ Independent Assessors Handbook - Call 2025 [PDF].
The open-ended questions in the Erasmus+ Application Form will be assessed and graded. The results of the two independent assessors will be aggregated and applications will be ranked by in ascending order. The list of applications will be presented to the ERASMUS Selection Grant Allocation Committee (ESGAC).
ESGAC members will decide on how the grants are awarded based on the Erasmus+ Call criteria and any other specific cases which are deliberated during the meeting. The applications received are awarded an Erasmus+ grant based on the funding available under a specific project.
Applicants who are not awarded a grant due to lack of funding will remain on a reserve list and will be awarded grants if funds become available during the course of the project. All applicants are notified by email regarding the selection results.
Should academic members of staff apply for an Erasmus+ Staff Mobility for Training, priority shall be given to administrative and technical members of staff.
If the number of applications received exceeds the funding available, the ESGAC reserves the right to limit the funding to seven days including travel for each beneficiary.
All selected Erasmus+ beneficiaries will receive an Erasmus+ grant through the International Office, which will partially cover the expenses incurred abroad. Grants are made up of two components:
Travel contribution
You will receive a travel contribution based on the distance in kilometres, between the University of Malta (Msida) and the host University. Distance is calculated by the following Distance Calculator provided by the EC.
Subsistence contribution
Erasmus grants are calculated on a daily basis according to the Erasmus mobility destination country.
Programme Countries are split in three groups according to average living costs.
Travel allowances are allocated per participant as follows:
Call for Applications 2023 and 2024*
Between 10 and 99 KM: EUR 23 per participant
Between 100 and 449 KM: EUR 180 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM: EUR 275 per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: EUR 360 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: EUR 530 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM: EUR 820 per participant
8000 KM or more: EUR 1500 per participant
Erasmus+ Grants for Mobilities (Call for Applications 2023 and 2024)*
Group 1 Countries – EUR 180 per day (70% of EUR 180 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Group 2 Countries – EUR 160 per day (70% of EUR 160 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
Group 3 Countries – EUR 140 per day (70% of EUR 140 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
*The International Office reserves the right to determine which funding project will be applied, with rates varying accordingly.
Call for Applications 2025
Between 10 and 99 KM: EUR 28 per participant
Between 100 and 449 KM: EUR 211 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM: EUR 309 per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: EUR 395 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: EUR 580 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM: EUR 1188 per participant
8000 KM or more: EUR 1735 per participant
Erasmus+ Grants for Mobilities (Call for Applications 2025)
Group 1 Countries – EUR 190 per day (70% of EUR 190 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
Group 2 Countries – EUR 170 per day (70% of EUR 170 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Group 3 Countries – EUR 148 per day (70% of EUR 148 per day will be awarded from the 15th day of activity):
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye
Submit the necessary documents by not later than 30 days prior to your departure:
You must have a travel insurance policy which is valid for your stay at the host institution and which covers the entire duration of the mobility. It is your responsibility to have a valid EHIC document.
As soon as the necessary Erasmus documents are submitted, the International Office drafts and sends you the Erasmus+ Beneficiary Grant Agreement.
You are required to initialise each page, sign the Agreement and return the Erasmus+ Beneficiary Grant Agreements by email.
This is then countersigned by the Director of the International Office. Once this process is completed, the pre-financing amounting to 80% of the eligible grant is issued.
Planned mobility periods funded by the Erasmus+ programme will be cancelled if a member of staff has given/been given notice of termination of employment with the UM. The 80% of the funding will be recovered.
Once the mobility is completed, the following documents are to be submitted to the International Office within 30 days after the end of the mobility:
The International Office will issue the remaining 20% of your grant.
The Erasmus+ programme pays particular attention to guidance, reception, physical accessibility, pedagogical and technical support services, and especially, the financing of extra costs for students and staff whose personal, physical, mental or health-related conditions are such that their participation in Erasmus+ would not be possible without extra financial support (from here on referred to as 'students and staff with personal, physical, mental or health-related conditions'). This is to ensure that you can take full advantage of your Erasmus+ mobility experience.
Each higher education institution (HEI), by signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), commits to ensuring equal access and opportunities to participants from all backgrounds. Therefore, students and staff with personal, physical, mental or health-related conditions can benefit from the support services that the receiving institution offers to its local students and staff.
If you are a prospective applicant with fewer opportunities, we encourage you to declare this in the ‘Equity and Inclusion’ section in your Erasmus+ application and to disclose any necessary information related to your condition in confidence to our team. We will be able to support you as required, and to, inter alia, request any necessary arrangements to facilitate your Erasmus+ mobility and/or request any additional funds you may be eligible for. Applicants with fewer opportunities are required to present a certificates and confirmation of any declared personal, physical, mental or health-related condition. The University will be unable to offer any support if the required information/documentation is not provided. The provision of this information will not affect your application for Erasmus+ mobility.
Together with the medical certificate(s) and any other supporting documentation, please download, fill and submit the Medical Disclosure Consent Form [PDF].
Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility include, but are not limited to, adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, adaption of learning material, an accompanying person, etc. This information is treated with strict confidentiality.
To get to know more contact us.