The Erasmus+ programme offers University of Malta home students diverse opportunities for international mobility, with the aim of enhancing personal and professional growth. By refining language and soft skills, fostering intercultural awareness, and boosting employability, these experiences aim to expand life opportunities.
UM students can choose between two types of Erasmus+ mobilities, depending on their course and needs—study mobility, traineeship mobility, or both. Each study cycle allows participation in mobility periods totaling up to twelve months, irrespective of the number and type of mobility activities.
Download the Data Privacy Statement [PDF].
As a registered UM home student, you may apply for an Erasmus+ study mobility at a partner university with whom the UM has an active Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement in your area of study. An Erasmus+ study mobility can last from 2 to 12 months, with specific dates set by the host institution's academic calendar. During this period, you will not be charged tuition fees by the partner institution. Students will attend lectures at the partner university, and the mobility will be fully recognised as part of the degree conferred by the University of Malta. Assessment and grading will adhere to the regulations of the host institution, then converted to the UM grading system and recorded on SIMS.
Selection for an Erasmus+ study mobility is based on academic performance. Before applying, it is strongly recommended that you consult your academic coordinator at the Faculty/Institute/Centre/School/Department to determine the mobility semester for your course. Erasmus+ applications must be submitted during the annual call for applications in the academic year preceding the planned mobility. Before applying, you are to ensure you review the course catalogue, assessment methods, and language of instruction at each university of your preference.
For more details on the selection process and how to apply, kindly see below.
As a UM-registered home student at the undergraduate, postgraduate or doctoral level, you are eligible to participate in an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility, which can last from 2 to 12 months in duration. Upon successful completion, this experience can be documented in your Europass Mobility Document. For details on obtaining this, please click here.
Faculty-arranged Traineeships
For certain courses, an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility may be undertaken in place of a study mobility and be credited toward your UM programme of studies. Faculty-arranged traineeships are carried out at partner institutions with which UM has signed an Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement. To find out if your course allows this and to learn more about it, including its mobility semester, kindly consult your department. Selection for this type of traineeship is based on academic performance. For further details on the selection process, please see below.
Self-secured Traineeships
All UM students are eligible to undertake an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility for research or work experience (as trainees) abroad at a legitimate institution, enterprise, laboratory or organisation of their choice, excluding EU institutions and bodies. Students are responsible for securing their own placement and should ensure the mobility does not conflict with academic commitments requiring them to be in Malta during such period (e.g. during the summer months). Once a host entity is confirmed, an acceptance letter must be obtained from the aforementioned entity, indicating (i) the exact start and end dates (e.g. 1st July – 31st August 20**) and (ii) a brief description of the traineeship role.
Students may also participate in an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility within one year following their graduation. Interested applicants undertaking an Erasmus+ traineeship mobility as recent graduates should apply during their final year of study, prior to graduation.
Short-term Doctoral Traineeship Mobility
In the case of doctoral mobility, to better meet the diverse learning and training needs of doctoral candidates and to ensure equal opportunities with those that have the status of higher education staff, doctoral candidates and recent graduates (‘post-docs’) can also undertake short-term physical traineeship mobility periods abroad. Adding a virtual component to this physical mobility is encouraged. The duration for the doctoral short-term physical mobility may range from 5 to 30 days.
Digital Opportunity Traineeship Initiative
The Digital Opportunity Traineeship Initiative is an EU-funded training initiative to help equip today’s workforce across all sectors with the digital skill set that suits current digital trends. A traineeship mobility can be considered as a ‘traineeship in digital skills’ when students and recent graduates practise one or more of the following activities by the trainee: ‘digital marketing (e.g. social media management, web analytics); digital graphical, mechanical or architectural design; development of apps, software, scripts, or websites; installation, maintenance and management of IT systems and networks, cybersecurity; data analytics, mining and visualisation; programming and training of robots and artificial intelligence applications. Generic customer support, order fulfilment, data entry or office tasks are not considered in this category’ (Erasmus+ Programme Guide, 2023, p. 50, version 1).
Applying for an Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeship
All students interested in applying for a faculty-arranged traineeship mobility must refer to, and select their preferred universities from, the applicable list of placements.
For self-secured traineeship opportunity options, you can access Erasmus Intern, SEA-EU Master Research Internships (applicable for Master students only), or seek suggestions from academics in your department. For Digital Opportunity Traineeships, you can access the ‘Digital Opportunities’ section on Erasmus Intern. You can also directly contact entities that interest you to see if they can host you as a researcher/trainee.
Self-secured traineeships can only be carried out in Erasmus+ Programme countries (i.e. self-secured traineeships in Switzerland and the UK are not possible).
For further information, you are kindly advised to refer to the section on how to apply, or may also contact the International Office.
To apply for an Erasmus+ mobility experience, students must complete and submit an application form during an open call for applications.
Most undergraduate programmes at the UM include a designated mobility semester during which students are encouraged to pursue an Erasmus+ study or a faculty-arranged traineeship mobility, where applicable. To confirm the mobility semester for your course, please consult your department.
Preparing Your Erasmus+ Mobility Application for an Study or a Faculty-arranged Traineeship Mobility
In your Erasmus+ application, you are to list up to five university preferences. Before applying for a study mobility, you are strongly advised to carefully review the study units/course catalogue offered to incoming Erasmus+ students at partner institutions and then discuss their viability with your Erasmus Academic Coordinator(s) or Head of Department(s). This will help ensure that the study-units at your choice of institutions align with your academic goals. Additionally, you are strongly advised to check the language of tuition of the area of study and/or the specific study-units in which you are interested and verify that you satisfy the minimum level of language competence required by the host institution/department. This will ensure that you may successfully follow lectures and sit for examinations without any barriers hindering your academic success.
Whenever possible, selecting undergraduate-level study units is recommended. However, in some partner universities, English-taught study-units are only available at the postgraduate level. Students selecting postgraduate study-units will be considered postgraduate students at the host university, expected to meet postgraduate standards, and assessed accordingly.
When selecting university preferences, it is ultimately your responsibility to consider factors such as:m
In the case of faculty-arranged traineeship mobilities, you will not be participating in lecture-based study-units, as your mobility will be placement-based. Therefore, reviewing available study units is not required. However, you are still encouraged to consider other relevant factors mentioned above when selecting the five university preferences for your application. For more information on the placements on offer, please consult your Erasmus Academic Coordinator, Head of Department, or the partner universities directly.
Preparing Your Erasmus+ Mobility Application for a Self-secured Traineeship
Students may apply to carry out a self-secured traineeship during a period where there are no academic commitments requiring one to stay in Malta (e.g. summer months) or in the year following one's graduation, provided they apply in their final year of study. In any case, students must submit an application form during the academic year before the intended mobility. If the host entity is not yet identified at the time of application, you may write "To be confirmed" under placement preferences. Your application will be held in reserve until a valid acceptance letter from the host entity is submitted to us.
Erasmus+ 2025 - Call for Applications
Available Placements
List of Available Placements [2025/26 - may be subject to changes]
Aside from the available placement list, the UM is currently participating in the SEA-EU alliance together with 8 other European universities. 120 places (20 places for each university) in different study areas are available through this alliance. Before applying, you must check the course catalogue and the language of tuition. The following are the 6 universities for which Inter-Institutional Agreements have been finalised and therefore can receive student mobilities:
University of Bretagne Occidentale, France (The language of tuition is mainly French)
University of Cadiz, Spain (The language of tuition is mainly Spanish)
University of Gdansk, Poland
University of Split, Croatia (The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture, and Geodesy at the University of Split cannot accept UG students)
Kiel University, Germany
Nord University, Norway
The study areas for which these universities can receive students can be found here.
The SEA-EU Alliance also offers opportunities for students to participate in the Virtual Tandem Language Exchange. More information can be found here.
Erasmus+ Application Form
The applications for Erasmus+ Student Mobilities for Studies and Traineeships will be received online through the below application form. The application will become available in December 2024 and will remain open until Friday 31 January 2025. Late applications will not be considered.
To apply, you must be logged in with your UM account. Applications will only be accepted electronically through the form provided below. Kindly ensure an acknowledgment of the submitted form is received.
If a student submits more than one application for a study or faculty-arranged traineeship mobility, the most recent application will be considered final and no changes will be allowed after the deadline.
First Call for Erasmus+ Applications 2025 - Application Form for Student Mobility for Studies/Traineeships
Restricted Second Call for Erasmus+ 2025 Student Mobility for Traineeships - Application Form - Only for SEA-EU Master Research Internship - See List of SEA-EU Master Research Internships
Erasmus+ Information Sessions for Call 2025
- An information session on study mobility will be held on 4 December 2024 at noon at LT2.
This applies to undergraduate courses. Reference will also be made to self-secured traineeships.
Register your attendance here.
- An information session on traineeship mobility (faculty-arranged and self-secured) will be held on 6 December 2024 at noon.
This applies to courses at all study levels.
Register your attendance here.
Each Erasmus+ application received is reviewed for eligibility. Once your results are published on eSIMS, the Erasmus+ coordinators retrieve your average marks. Based on these, a ranked list of applicants is drawn for each course or study area based. Placements are then allocated according to this ranking. If students from different years of study have applied, the applicants are grouped by year, and priority is assigned.
The lists of applicants are sent to the respective Dean/Director/Head of Department/Erasmus+ Academic Coordinator(s) (as applicable) for their approval/non-approval and recommendations.
For certain courses, students must achieve a minimum average mark to be eligible for an Erasmus+ mobility. Currently, the following study areas have this requirement:
Speech Language Pathology | 70% |
Anthropology - updated on 16/01/25 | 65% |
Psychology | 65% |
Criminology | 65% |
Engineering | 65% |
International Relations | 60% |
Physics | 60% |
Social Policy | 60% |
Social Wellbeing | 60% |
Social Work | 60% |
European Studies | 55% |
FEMA* | 55% |
ICT** | 55% |
Whilst students reading for a B.Sc. (Hons) in Built Environment Studies do not have a fixed minimum average mark, students who fail or defer 6 ECTS or more will not be endorsed.
*FEMA students will be endorsed for a mobility if, by the Semester 1 results, they have an average of no less than 55% and not more than ONE study-unit (4 ECTS) deferred or failed (and pending a resit). Students with an average of 54% and/or 5 ECTS of failed/deferred study-units will not be endorsed.
**ICT students will be endorsed for a mobility if, by the Semester 1 results, they have an average of no less than 55% and not more than 5 ECTS of failed/deferred study-units. Students with an average of 54% and/or 6 ECTS of failed/deferred study-units will not be endorsed.
Once applicants are endorsed/not endorsed by their Faculty/Institute/School/Department(s) and the lists are returned to the International Office with recommendations, the International Office nominates the endorsed students to their allocated partner university. A notification letter of the nomination is issued to the student by the International Office. It is important to note that a nomination from the University of Malta only, without following the host university’s instructions on how to apply following the nomination, does not guarantee the assigned placement. The Erasmus+ mobility will be on condition that all the requirements for the current academic year are satisfied and all requested documentation is submitted to the University of Malta prior to departure.
If an endorsed student is placed on a reserve list due to the fact that the preferred universities have already been taken up by students with better academic performance, the student will be contacted and given the opportunity to consider other placements that remain available, if any. In case of more than one student on the reserve list, the reserve list will be tackled by academic performance.
Important: Switching host university placements is not allowed. If a student does not wish to attend the allocated university, the student will have to forfeit the current Erasmus+ placement and be placed at the end of the reserve list. The student will be contacted with any remaining available placements, if any, after all the other students placed on the reserve list (who remain without placement after the initial selection) are settled, irrespective of academic performance.
Students who are not endorsed will receive a rejection letter.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Holders
If you are an Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Holder, in line with the Erasmus+ Programme Guide, students taking part in a higher education mobility project (either studying or doing a traineeship abroad) cannot be at the same time beneficiaries of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree scholarship, and vice versa. To this end, Erasmus+ Applications for student mobilities received from Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders will be considered ineligible.
The Erasmus+ programme provides financial support to help cover travel and living expenses during your Erasmus+ mobility. This funding provides a partial contribution toward these costs, so it is strongly recommended that you plan for additional financial resources to fully support yourself throughout your mobility period.
Travel Contribution
You will receive a travel contribution based on the distance, in kilometers, between the University of Malta (Msida) and the venue of the host entity. The distance is calculated by using the Distance Calculator provided by the European Commission.
The travel grant is allocated according to the applicable distance bands below:
Call for Applications 2024*
Between 10 and 99 KM: EUR 23 per participant
Between 100 and 449 KM: EUR 180 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM: EUR 275 per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: EUR 360 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: EUR 530 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM: EUR 820 per participant
8000 KM or more: EUR 1500 per participant
Call for Applications 2025*
Between 10 and 99 KM: EUR 28 per participant
Between 100 and 449 KM: EUR 211 per participant
Between 500 and 1999 KM: EUR 309 per participant
Between 2000 and 2999 KM: EUR 395 per participant
Between 3000 and 3999 KM: EUR 580 per participant
Between 4000 and 7999 KM: EUR 1188 per participant
8000 KM or more: EUR 1735 per participant
*The International Office reserves the right to determine which funding project will be applied, with rates varying accordingly.
Individual Support (Subsistence Contributions) for Long-Term Mobility*
Erasmus+ grants are based on monthly fixed rates according to the Erasmus+ mobility destination country and are calculated pro-rata according to the duration of the Erasmus+ mobility period. The start and end dates are not based on the dates of flight tickets but on the dates of the mobility activity, from the first day the student needs to be present at the host entity until the last day the student needs to be present at the host entity. Before the mobility, the grant is calculated by using the dates on the Acceptance Letter provided by the host entity. After the mobility, the grant is recalculated and confirmed by referring to the actual dates on the Certificate of Attendance provided by the host entity.
Top-up for Students with Fewer Opportunities
All UM students are considered as students with fewer opportunities due to geographical obstacles. This means that students receive an additional EUR 250, besides the base rates. The rates below include the base amount and the top-up for students with fewer opportunities.
Programme countries are split into three groups, according to the average living costs:
Erasmus+ Grants for Mobilities (Call for Applications 2024)*
Group 1 countries - EUR 834 per month:
Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland**, United Kingdom**
Group 2 countries - EUR 778 per month:
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain
Group 3 countries - EUR 722 per month:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey
Erasmus+ Grants for Mobilities (Call for Applications 2025)*
Group 1 countries - EUR 924 per month:
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland**, United Kingdom**
Group 2 countries - EUR 856 per month:
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
Group 3 countries - EUR 800 per month:
Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye
Top-up amount to the Individual Support for Traineeships
In addition to the individual support, students undertaking an Erasmus+ Mobility for Traineeships are entitled to receive the additional top-up amount for traineeships of EUR 150 per month.
Funded Travel Days (Applicable for mobilities applied for during the Call for Applications 2025)
Applicants will also receive individual support to cover subsistence costs for travel time before and after the mobility activity, with a maximum of two travel days.
*The International Office reserves the right to determine which funding project will be applied, with rates varying accordingly.
**Self-secured traineeships in Switzerland and the UK are not possible.
Individual Support (Subsistence Contributions) for Short-Term Mobility (e.g. short-term doctoral mobility)*
Students and recent graduates on short-term physical mobility to any Erasmus+ Programme country will receive a base amount of 79 EUR per day up to the 14th day of activity, and of 56 EUR per day between the 15th to the 30th day of activity. The Erasmus+ grant will be based on the start and end dates of the mobility activity, not on the dates of flight tickets. Before the mobility, the grant is calculated by using the dates on the Acceptance Letter provided by the host entity. After the mobility, the grant is recalculated and confirmed by referring to the actual dates on the Certificate of Attendance provided by the host entity.
Top-up for Students with Fewer Opportunities
All UM students are considered as students with fewer opportunities due to geographical obstacles. Students and recent graduates with fewer opportunities on short-term physical mobility receive a top-up amount to the individual support base amount of 100 EUR for a physical mobility activity period of 5-14 days and 150 EUR for the one of 15-30 days.
Funded Travel Days (Applicable for mobilities applied for during the Call for Applications 2025)
Applicants will also receive individual support to cover subsistence costs for travel time before and after the mobility activity, with a maximum of two travel days.
The top-up amount for traineeships does not apply to students and recent graduates on short-term mobility.
*The International Office reserves the right to determine which funding project will be applied, with rates varying accordingly.
Erasmus+ Grant Payments
Students carrying out a mobility receive the total grant in two instalments, the first one before the mobility and the second one after the mobility.
The first instalment equating to 80% of the total grant due will be paid upon the submission of the required pre-departure documents and participant grant agreement. The pre-departure documents must be submitted 40 days prior to departure so that the first instalment can reach the student by the start of the mobility.
The second instalment amounting to 20% of the total grant will be paid after the completion of the mobility, submission of the Certificate of Attendance and completion of the Online Mobility Survey. These post-mobility documents need to be submitted within 30 days of the end of the mobility. The final grant is calculated based on the dates in the Certificate of Attendance provided by the Host Organisation.
The 20% will be recalculated if the duration of the mobility is shorter than initially agreed upon in the Participant Grant Agreement. Students must notify the International Office of any changes in the mobility dates indicated in the agreement.
Reimbursement will be requested if the 80% already awarded exceeds the recalculated eligible total grant. It is important to ensure that an earlier departure still satisfies the required minimum duration of 2 months set by the Erasmus+ Programme. The mobility will be considered ineligible if this requirement is not fulfilled, requiring a full recovery of the grant received.
We congratulate you for being selected to undertake an Erasmus+ mobility, it will surely positively impact your educational experience, in many ways.
As part of your preparations for your upcoming Erasmus+ mobility, you are required to submit a number of documents. The first documents to be submitted are the pre-departure documents prior to your mobility. Kindly submit these pre-departure documents no later than 40 days prior to your departure to ensure that the first installment of your grant (80%) is received in time for the start of your mobility.
This Checklist [PDF] helps you keep track of what you are required to submit before, during, and after your mobility.
The pre-departure documents are:
This must include the student’s account details and it must be signed by the student. It also requires an account details confirmation by either obtaining a signature from your bank representative or attaching your bank statement which confirms the student as the account holder and the IBAN number.
Programme of Studies [PDF] signed by the UM Academic Coordinator(s) / Head of Department(s) / Dean(s) – (applicable for study mobilities or for ECTS-based traineeship mobilities);
Erasmus+ Learning Agreement for Studies (online from the academic year 2022/23 onward) / Learning Agreement for Traineeship [Word] (Learning Agreement - Traineeship Guide [Word])
The Learning Agreement can only be signed by the home faculty if the Programme of Studies (PoS) is already approved by the Erasmus Academic Coordinator / HoD / Dean. For this reason, kindly ensure that the home faculty has a copy of the approved PoS.
As part of the European Commission’s initiative to digitalise the educational sector, including the Erasmus+ programme, the Learning Agreement for Studies has been made available in an online form, and it will be compulsory* from the academic year 2022/23. To this end, student and staff guides have been created for assistance:
*Due to technical issues, some universities have specifically requested the use of the traditional Learning Agreement for Studies (doc.) [Word] (Learning Agreement - Studies Guide [Word]). Learning Agreements not compiled online through the Online Learning Agreement Website will only be accepted in such cases.
Resit Clearance Form [Word] signed by the student and the UM home F/I/C/S administration
Copy of Travel Insurance
In case you have any questions or would like to set up an appointment, please get in touch with us.
Online Linguistic Support (OLS)
Whilst taking the OLS language assessment and following courses are not a prerequisite for your mobility, students are still encouraged to take the assessment and follow courses. By taking the assessment, Erasmus+ participants are able to determine their proficiency and get access to a personalised language learning pathway. The results of the language assessment do not prevent participants from taking part in Erasmus+. Participants who wish to improve their language proficiency have the opportunity to follow online language courses before and during their time abroad. Access to the language course includes a great variety of interactive and tailor-made activities. Participants can follow language courses in any of the available languages on OLS without limitation to the number of languages and study units.
It only takes a few seconds to set up your profile and begin your language learning journey! You can start by accessing the EU Academy. The intro module quickly walks you through the process of creating an account, which you can use to access OLS and lots of other short courses on the EU Academy. More information on the OLS can be found on the European Commission's webpage here.
Accommodation and Flight Arrangements
Accommodation arrangements need to be made directly by the students. Some Universities offer on-campus university accommodation which you may decide to opt for. Alternatively, you might prefer to share a private accommodation with friends or other Erasmus+ students. This is entirely up to you. In any case, we strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations of the accommodation being rented prior to entering into a long-term lease. It is also important to ask for a contract and a receipt for any deposits paid.
Flight arrangements also need to be made directly by the students. Kindly keep in mind that whilst it is normal for some students to travel well before their mobility starts, you are to ensure that you have no first sits or resits pending before leaving Malta. Students whose recommended mobility semester is the second semester and are set to go to a university that starts earlier than the UM first semester examinations will need to seek authorised arrangements as per Procedure for the Overlapping of Semesters [PDF].
Kindly note that grants are awarded based on the duration of one’s mobility (i.e. for the duration between the start and end date at the host university) and based on the duration of arrival in the host country and departure from the host country.
In general, we recommend that accommodation and flights are booked once the student is in possession of the host university’s acceptance letter and the fully signed learning agreement.
European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and Insurance
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of a valid EHIC document throughout your mobility period. You can apply for it here. More information about the EHIC can be found on the European Commission's webpage. In addition to the EHIC, you must also take out a travel insurance policy that is valid throughout the entire duration of the mobility. The travel insurance policy must cover:
Students must provide a copy of the insurance policy. If insurance cover is in place through bank cards, a letter from the bank confirming this is to be submitted.
In addition to the above, insurance against loss or theft of documents, travel tickets, electronic equipment, such as laptops and mobile phones and luggage is recommended.
Erasmus+ App
The Erasmus+ programme celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2017. To mark this occasion, the European University Foundation and the European Commission developed the Erasmus+ App which includes features to facilitate your experience. We recommend that you download this App to further help you navigate your Erasmus+ mobility.
Erasmus+ Student Charter
The Erasmus+ Student Charter encompasses your entitlements, obligations and duties before, during, after and throughout your mobility. You can access this on the European Commission’s webpage.
Erasmus+ Beneficiary Grant Agreement and Pre-Financing Payment (80%)
As soon as the required pre-departure documents are submitted, the Erasmus+ Coordinators at the International Office will draft your Erasmus+ Beneficiary Grant Agreement and send you a soft copy via email. You will be required to initialise each page and sign the agreement (electronic signatures are accepted). The fully initialised and signed Erasmus+ Beneficiary Grant Agreement is to be returned to the International Office via email.
This is then countersigned by the Director of the International Office and a copy of the countersigned version will be returned to you via email. The 80% of the eligible grant will be processed and issued within 30 days.
The International Office is your first point of contact.
If you are required to amend ECTS values or add and drop modules while on your mobility these changes will need to be reflected in the 'During the Mobility' section of your programme of studies and the 'Changes to the Learning Agreement' section of your online learning agreement. Please be aware that you must prepare and present a signed copy of the updated programme of studies to the responsible faculty administrator in order for them to approve your updated online learning agreement. You are requested to obtain the necessary approvals within the first two weeks of your mobility. Please refer to page fourteen of the UM OLA Guide for Students [PDF] for guidance.
Should any issues arise during the mobility, whether of academic or personal nature, we will provide support whenever possible.
Once the mobility is completed, you are required to submit the post-mobility documents to the International Office within 30 days after the end of the mobility:
In the case of failed study-units, the student will be required to resit any failed assessments. If this is not possible or the student fails the re-assessment, the student will have to register for that amount of failed ECTS at the University of Malta and be assessed under resit condition. It is crucial to follow the steps outlined in the Procedure for students who fail an examination whilst on their mobility [PDF].
Once (1) and (2) are submitted and the duration is confirmed, the remaining grant will be issued. If the duration is reduced, the grant will be recalculated, adjusting the remaining portion to align with the actual duration. In cases where the revised grant exceeds the initially awarded 80%, a reimbursement for the difference will be sought. It is important to note that the duration must still meet the minimum requirement of 2 months; any duration shorter than this will necessitate a request for full reimbursement as it would render the mobility ineligible.
Once all documents, including any approved changes to the Programme of Studies and Learning Agreement, are successfully submitted, the International Office will convert your host institution's results to the UM grading system and input them on eSIMS. However, in accordance with the Erasmus+ beneficiary agreement, result inputting will be kept on hold if any necessary documents or requested reimbursements remain pending.
The Erasmus+ programme pays particular attention to guidance, reception, physical accessibility, pedagogical and technical support services, and especially, the financing of extra costs for students and staff whose personal, physical, mental, or health-related conditions are such that their participation in Erasmus+ would not be possible without extra financial support or other support (from here on referred to as 'students and staff with personal, physical, mental or health-related conditions'). This ensures that one can take full advantage of an Erasmus+ mobility experience.
Each higher education institution (HEI), by signing the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), commits to ensuring equal access and opportunities to participants from all backgrounds. Therefore, students and staff with personal, physical, mental, or health-related conditions can benefit from the support services that the receiving institution offers to its local students and staff.
If you are a prospective applicant requiring inclusion support, we encourage you to declare this in the ‘Equity and Inclusion’ section in your Erasmus+ application and to disclose any necessary information related to your condition in confidence to our team. We will be able to guide and support you as required and to, inter alia, assist in any necessary arrangements to facilitate your Erasmus+ mobility and/or request any additional funds you may be eligible for. You will be required to present medical certificate(s) and/or any supporting documentation as confirmation of any declared personal, physical, mental, or health-related condition, together with a filled-in and signed Consent Form for Disclosure of Medical Data [PDF]. The University will be unable to provide support if the required information/documentation is not submitted. Providing this information will not impact the outcome of your Erasmus+ mobility application.
Areas that could be eligible for support linked to your Erasmus+ mobility include, but are not limited to, adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, adaption of learning material, an accompanying person, etc. This information is treated with strict confidentiality. Should you require further information or clarification do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
For more information about Inclusion Support, please see EUPA's statement.
To get to know more contact us.