• Friendly female colleagues having pleasant conversation
    Communication and Academic Skills Programme - CASP

Communication and Academic Skills Programme - CASP

The University of Malta continues to respond to new realities and actively engages with emerging disciplines. With over 140 new undergraduate courses in the past ten years (20% increase from 2012), the range of choices reflects the diversification in the disciplines whilst encouraging a cross-disciplinary approach. These are exciting times and expectations have altered to reflect the global aspirations.

You have successfully enrolled on a course of your choice at UM. This is the exciting start of a new journey and another milestone in your life. UM strives to optimise your learning and prepare you for future success.

UM would like to introduce you to the Communication and Academic Skills Programme (CASP). It is a university-wide initiative that values both your growth as future graduates and as professionals in such diverse areas of specialisation which either already exist or are evolving.

With more milestones awaiting you, UM’s CASP will help you navigate your way throughout the course. By reading for an undergraduate degree, you are faced with the expectations of your discipline and are encouraged to interact within a specialised academic community where you will learn to develop an academic voice. This new programme will help you find that voice, think critically and facilitate the development of effective communication through writing and presenting using both general and discipline-specific conventions.

Throughout your journey at UM, you must learn to become versatile enough to meet the new challenges and face the future with skills that will help you succeed. CASP will support your rise to global expectations as you reach your aspirations both academically and professionally.

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