Culture, Heritage and the Environment

Culture, Heritage and the Environment

Semester 2

With Augustus, Rome became an empire with an emperor standing at the vertex of political life. This unit will deal with Rome's first five emperors from Augustus to Nero, and their acquisition and handling of power.

This will be analysed within the context of the intense atmosphere of strife and conspiracies inside the imperial palace, and Rome and its empire, at the head of which stood the Julio-Claudians. The emperor, with his omnipotent power, was master of the world, but this also contributed to a precarious position which was accompanied by conspiracies and struggles for power fraught with danger and violence.

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Semester 2

Few men have held such a presiding as well as controversial position in history as Napoleon Bonaparte. An ambitious and skilled military leader, he came to ride over the Revolution along with the implications that this carried. From Revolutionary to Emperor, Napoleon still divides public opinion over the disputed position which he occupied and what this stood for.

Perhaps, this reflects his practical military character, with the French armies marching victoriously through Europe, as he  introduced those elements that would develop into 'modernity'. Napoleon's figure thus still divides, as in the Europe of his times, the perception of him as the propagator of Liberté which some welcomed, or a 'tyrant' which others resisted and against whom the Great Powers of the Ancién Regime mobilised. As Napoleon himself once stated “From the sublime to the ridiculous, there is but a step.

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Semester 2

Taking a closer look at the Maltese archipelago’s relationship with the sea by exploring how it shaped Malta’s history and by drawing attention to the tangible and intangible evidence of Malta’s maritime cultural heritage.

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Semester 1, Semester 2

This eight-week course will introduce students to the realm of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Throughout the study-unit we shall discuss the impact that these myths had on Ancient Greek civilisation and how these myths affected the culture and society of the people that believed in them.

Students will be also introduced to mythology through ancient literary sources such as Homer and Hesiod, as well as through ancient drama such as the tragedies of Euripides.

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Semester 2

A mixed-focus Thematic Approach which seeks to explore elements of Greek and Roman history through a thematic rather than chronological approach that puts the emphasis on these themes rather than on the narrative.

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Semester 2

This DGP unit seeks to provide students with a survey of Baroque art in Malta from its onset through Caravaggio’s realism to its triumphant peak with Mattia Preti’s works.

The artists' oeuvres will be discussed and students will be introduced to critical analysis and will learn to place the works within the Baroque style.

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