Semester 1
A Latin course for complete beginners. This course is ideal for students who desire an introduction to the Latin Language. By the end of the course students shall be able to form and translate simple Latin Sentences.
Semester 1
This unit is for students who wish to start learning the Bulgarian Language.
Detailed study-unit description
Semester 2
This study-unit is designed for students with no previous knowledge of Dutch. It consists of basic speaking, listening, writing and reading exercises, all with a focus on everyday situations, as well as a brief introduction to Belgian and Dutch culture. The lectures are interactive and students are encouraged to actively participate.
Semester 1
Have you always been fascinated at the sight of interpreters working in a booth? Would you like to try your hand at note-taking and interpreting speeches by relying on your memory and your notes? This study-unit gives you a taste of different interpreting modes through basic exercises from and into English, Maltese, Italian, French and / or Dutch.
The ideal introduction to interpreting for anyone considering a career as an interpreter in the EU and beyond!
Semester 1
This study-unit is for students who wish to start learning the Romanian Language. The study-unit includes the following components: a short grammar introduction with explicit explanations; simple vocabulary; a phrase set; exercises to develop language usage competence; and a short socio-cultural introduction to the country that is thematically related to the lesson.
Detailed study-unit description
Semester 1
This is an introductory course to Maltese as a foreign language (CEFR Level A1). The emphasis is on spoken and written communication.
Semester 2
This course is a continuation of Maltese as a Foreign Language Level 1 and covers speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Maltese as a Foreign Language.
Semestru 1
Kors Prattiku Intensiv fil-Kitba tan-Novella
Tmien sessjonijiet ta' sagħtejn il-waħda li jittrattaw b'mod konkret aspetti fundamentali fil-kitba ta' storja. F'kull sessjoni l-istudenti jkollhom ħin biex jaħdmu fuq storja tagħhom li mbagħad jippreżentawha fi tmiem il-kors.
Il-programm jinkludi sessjonijiet dwar il-karatteristiċi speċifiċi tan-novella, l-istrateġiji narrattivi, l-iżvilupp tal-karattri, ir-ritmu tal-proża, il-vuċi u t-ton, u s-sehem sikwit determinanti tal-metafora u l-lingwaġġ figurattiv inġenerali fin-narrattiva kontemporanja. F'kull sessjoni jingħataw eżempji ta' kitba mill-aqwa minn letteraturi differenti u jkun hemm ħin għal diskussjoni dwar aspetti partikulari tat-teknika u l-esperjenza tal-kitba.
Is-sessjonijiet għandhom isiru kull nhar ta' Erbgha - 12 sa 2 ta' wara nofsinhar.
Semestru 1
Din it-taqsima-studju hija mmirata għal studenti li qed jistudjaw fil-qasam legali, li huma diġà midħla tal-ilsien Malti imma jixtiequ jtejbu l-użu tiegħu fil-qasam ta’ studju partikolari tagħhom u jiksbu ħiliet ġodda, speċjalment fil-kitba ta’ strumenti legali, biex iħejju ruħhom aħjar għax-xogħol fil-professjoni tagħhom.
Semester 2
This course is to familiarize oneself with the Greek alphabet, phonetics and accentuation system and developing one's reading skills through simple phrases, be knowledgeable of basic grammatical rules applied to Modern Greek.
Acquire confidence and articulate simple phrases of vital importance used in everyday language and gain knowledge through the use of appropriate sources of Greek from a cultural point of view.
Semester 1
This study unit is for students who wish to start learning the Russian Language.
The course consists of several parts: a short grammar introduction with explicit explanations; simple vocabulary; a phrase set; exercises to develop language usage competence; and a short socio-cultural introduction to the country that is thematically related to the lesson.
Semester 1
This study-unit is the introductory basis of the Certificate Course in French. It introduces complete beginners to the study of the language, exposing learners to level-appropriate oral conversations and written texts and training them to produce simple utterances and written sentences.
Semester 2
This study-unit builds on the previous one and addresses all 4 linguistic skills: reading comprehension, oral comprehension, speaking and writing. Themes tackled include daily activities, lodging, travelling, city life, physical descriptions etc.
Semester 1
The study-units German A1.1 to German B1.2 offer language training from beginners’ German to upper intermediate level (following the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
The study-units are designed as a series of continuing courses providing guidance for beginners with no previous knowledge of German steadily improving language skills. They are based on a communicative approach in class with a focus on applied German, starting from everyday-life situations to covering more broad topics as well as more specialised language use.
Semester 2
The study-unit will be a continuation of the course German A1.1. It is part of a series of courses leading from German beginners’ level to level B1 of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Semester 1
This study-unit is an introduction to Italian language and Italian civilization. It is designed for students who have never learned Italian or whose knowledge is limited to just a few words. It combines basic grammar, vocabulary and communication skills studied in real life situations.
Semester 2
This pre-intermediate study-unit is dedicated to the study of the Italian language and Italian civilization. It is designed for students whose knowledge is limited to simple phrases and common Italian expressions. It combines basic grammar, vocabulary and communication skills studied in real life situations.
Semester 1
For this unit no previous knowledge of the language is required.
Using a hands-on active methodology in which the student communicates in Spanish from the very first day, students learn to develop and use simple everyday expressions designed to meet basic needs, like saying hello and goodbye, and present and talk about their immediate environment.
Semester 2
This unit builds on Spanish Language 1, but can also be taken by students who already have a prior knowledge of Spanish. Through this unit students will be able to function socially simply but effectively, using simple expressions in common use and following basic formulas.
Among other things, students will learn how to make and respond to greetings, invitations and suggestions, to ask for and accept apologies, to give advice and instructions, etc.
Tuition in French, German, Italian and Spanish is offered by the Faculty of Arts as part of the Certificate in Language Proficiency Programme aimed to promote proficiency in foreign languages. Students opting to attend classes only i.e. not take examinations and not be awarded the Certificate in Language Proficiency can be awarded a DegreePlus recognition.