Commonwealth & Valletta Action Plan Scholarships for UM PG Studies from Ghana

Commonwealth & Valletta Action Plan Scholarships for UM PG Studies from Ghana

The Government of Malta announces the fifth call for Commonwealth and Valletta Action Plan Scholarship applications for two students from Ghana wishing to pursue post-graduate studies at the University of Malta. This call is part of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP); an international programme under which Commonwealth member governments offer scholarships and fellowships to citizens of other Commonwealth countries. The CSFP was established at the first Commonwealth Education Conference in 1959.  Since its establishment, over 30,000 citizens of all Commonwealth countries have benefited from this programme. The granting of these scholarships by the Government of Malta is a result of Malta’s commitment to implement Sustainable Development Goal 4, which aims at expanding the number of scholarships available globally to developing countries, as well as a result of Malta’s commitment, made at the Valletta Summit on Migration of 11-12 November 2015, to launch projects in support of legal migration from selected African countries as an element of the comprehensive logic of the Action Plan. 

The Scholarships are designed to facilitate the formation of young professionals in their respective area of study. Malta is an ideal location for the realization of this goal, not only because of the relevant expertise it offers in sectors in which these scholarships will be provided, but also in view of its commitment towards capacity building in Africa.