Working group instructions - sustainability

Working Group Instructions

Strategic Implementation Forum


Link to Strategic Theme:

Main Commitments 2020-2025: Sustainability (link)


  1. Introduction of each participant (designation, department) 

  2. Discuss the current and future activities that reflect the Main Commitments for the Forum’s Strategic Theme (link above). The following questions can be used by the Working Group Coordinator to guide the discussion: 

    • (a) What initiatives and activities already exist in your academic or administrative department* that reflect the Main Commitments for the Forum's Strategic Theme?

    • (b) What initiatives can be introduced, leveraging existing capabilities and resources, to meet the department’s implementation of the Main Commitments for the Forum's Strategic Theme?

    • (c) What ideas for implementation can be introduced in other academic or administrative departments?

  3. The Working Group Coordinator or other assigned members will present a summary of the discussion in the main plenary session (5 minutes, verbal).


* The term ‘department’ is used to reflect any University entity such as academic faculties, departments, centres, institutes and schools, and administrative directorates and departments. 



Strategic plan: sustainability information graphic without text