The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking & Innovation

WCIW 2020

WCIW 2020

World Creativity and Innovation Week Logo

In April 2020, WCIW was celebrated through the following events and activities that were held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

15-19 April 2020: Creative Thinking Challenges - WCIW 2020 kicked off with a series of creative thinking challenges posted on the Institute’s Facebook page. These Facebook posts built upon previous social media posts related to different modes of thinking based on the Six Thinking Hats Framework. 

21 April 2020: Webinar and Online Panel Discussion - A webinar named Celebrating Creativity was held on the 21 April to celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day, which is the culmination of WCIW. Moderated by Dr Margaret Mangion, a panel of speakers from various creative backgrounds came together on Zoom to discuss some of the ways in which creativity may enhance people’s lives, particularly when facing difficulties such as those brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. Having obtained the consent of participants, the webinar was recorded and is available for viewing at this link

21 April 2020: Palace of New Thinking Virtual Conference - Following the webinar organised by Dr Margaret Mangion, Professor Edward de Bono’s PONT (Palace Of New Thinking) held a virtual conference to explore 'Alternative Approaches to COVID19 Crisis Global Management'. This conference was organised in collaboration with the European Association of Political Consultants and de Bono Thinking Systems, under the patronage of His Excellency George Vella, President of the Republic of Malta. The first part of this conference comprised idea generation sessions led by de Bono Thinking Systems Master Trainers for a limited number of invited guests. The second part comprised an Expert Panel discussion, which was open to the public and recorded for online viewing. The conference and panel discussion were moderated by Dr Leonie Baldacchino. Further details concerning the conference, including the approaches proposed and a link to the recording, are available through this link

23 April 2020: Malta Innovation Forum Webinar - The Malta Innovation Forum organised a webinar titled ‘Overcoming the Crisis Through Innovation’. The themes discussed in this webinar included the future of travel post COVID-19, organisational survival through the economic crisis, and the adaptation of jobs when these cannot be carried out remotely. This webinar concluded Malta’s WCIW programme of events.