Computer Science for Kids

Children playing

What is Computer Science?

Computer science is not about the computer!

Just as astronomy is not called telescope science, and medicine is not called stethoscope science, computer science should not really be called computer science. 

Computer science is the science of computation – the process of performing a sequence of symbol-manipulating steps. And while computation might be associated with numbers (and confused with calculation!), in reality numbers can be thought of as symbols used to represent just about anything: from images to sound, from celestial observations to DNA sequences. 

The consequence of this is that computation is able to manipulate and reason just about anything in the universe. The only problem is that (perhaps contrary to popular belief), computers are essentially very dumb machines – the range of operations they can perform are extremely limited and basic. Therefore, it is through the human ability of breaking down complex problems into baby steps that computing machines are able to do anything useful at all.