To students carrying out research with human subjects
In the wake of COVID-19, some researchers will now be collecting interview data in an online environment, and will need to adapt their method of obtaining consent.
In order to be in line with the UM Research Code of Practice[PDF] , the researcher should forward the recruitment letter and/or consent form to prospective participants before the interview via email, or via post if the participants do not have access to email.
In the ideal situation, the form is printed, signed then sent back to the researcher in the post, or failing that, scanned or photographed (blue ink for signature in this case) and emailed back to the researcher. The audio recorded interview should then start with the participant declaring they have read and understood the documents, and verbally (or via text message or chat) give consent.
If there is a valid reason for not being able to obtain signed consent forms from participants, the researcher should audio record full verbal consent whereby the recruitment letter/consent form is read out before the interview and the participants verbally agree to all the conditions. It is important to include this process in the recording/saved chat transcript.
This guidance on options for acquiring informed consent online is to be used within the context of students' FREC approved research, under the guidance of their supervisor who is responsible for ensuring that research is carried out using ethical best practice as laid down in the UM Research Code of Practice[PDF] .
**As of the 1st October UREC have launched a new Ethics and Data Protection form. Instructional videos can be found on the UREC website detailing the changes which have been made to the form, the questions which the new URECA online form contains and how the new form should be submitted.**
The online REDP form can be accessed here. Sign in using your UoM account details and select 'New REDP Form' to fill in and submit the application. You can go back to this form and edit it if you click on 'Save REDP Application' before your final submission.
Upon submission, the researcher will be able to see but not edit the form. Instead, the application will be viewable to the research supervisor who must endorse the research application. Once the supervisor endorses the application, it will be forwarded to FREC automatically.
The REDP form consists of three sections:
Part 1: Applicant and project details Part 2: Self-assessment & Detailed evaluation Part 3: Submission
Read these important notes carefully
In part 2 of the form, if an issue is flagged on a particular self-assessment risk, the detailed evaluation question/s will become visible. In such an instance, it is important that the applicant elaborate on the issue/s flagged and submit the form for FREC review. When submitting for FREC review the applicant will need to wait for FREC permission prior to commencing research. In the case that the applicant does not flag any self-assessment issues, the application should be submitted for FREC records and research may commence immediately after submission and supervisor endorsement.
It is important that the research supervisor/s have a UoM email address or the REDP form will not be received by the supervisor for endorsement.
A list of the attachments that need to accompany the online form is available in part 3 of the application.
The supervisor is to ENDORSE the REDP form and all attachments through the URECA online platform. Consent forms should reflect the requirements indicated in Section 3.1.3 of the University of Malta Research Code of Practice.
All attachments should be in PDF form.
The supervisor will be informed by email that a new application needs to be endorsed through the URECA platform. Endorsement ensures that the form and attachments reflect the contents of the research proposal, which abides by the University of Malta Research Code of Practice.
As indicated in the Research Ethics Review Proceduressupervisors are responsible for the documents they endorse. Supervisors should ensure the REDP form and related materials are up to standard before approving the application. This includes proper use of English and Maltese without grammatical errors and typos.
All forms are to be submitted through the URECA online platform. If there are any queries regarding the FREC form/s, instructional videos can be found on the URECA website or contact FREC by email. You will receive an automatic acknowledgement receipt.
Question 17: FREC Arts requests applicants to contact the cooperating institution/s before submitting the URECA form. Furthermore, students are required to attach a copy of the correspondence with the cooperating institution/s to the form (e.g., email threads in PDF format). Despite contacting the institutions prior to receipt of FREC approval, applicants are to tick 'Yes/unsure' for Question 17 of the URECA form and then submit the application to the FREC for review, so that the related documentation may be checked. Once FREC has reviewed the application and any necessary amendments required by the FREC have been made, FREC will advise applicants that their submission has been approved. However, this approval will be on condition that the applicants send FREC a copy of an official letter from the cooperating institution signifying its acceptance to cooperate with the researcher, prior to starting any data collection.
These samples are intended only for guidance and need to be adapted as necessary, according to the requirements of each specific study.
Additional documentation such as data management plans and data protection checklists can be found on the resources page of the University Research Ethics Committee (UREC) website.
Submit the form/s, for the consideration of FREC, by the next deadlines:
18 September 2024
14 October 2024
4 November 2024
11 December 2024
8 January 2025
12 February 2025
14 March 2025
NOTE: The above dates are subject to change only in adaptation to UREC DP meetings and to extraordinary circumstances which are beyond FREC's control.
Forms will be accepted till midnight (23:59) of the dates indicated. The supervisor’s endorsement is to reach FREC-Arts by the given deadlines otherwise it will be considered as a late submission. Late submissions will be reviewed in subsequent FREC meetings.
when the online form is marked as for FREC 'Review’, applicants shall wait for ethical approval before starting the data collection.
it is not correct for researchers to state that UREC has reviewed/approved their study. UREC encourages the use of the following statement or something similar as this is general and covers all cases including those where no FREC review is necessary: 'This research is in conformity with the University of Malta’s Research Code of Practice and Research Ethics Review Procedures.'
infringements of regulations and/or policies concerning ethics and data protection are matter for disciplinary action.
for any questions regarding any issue/s related to FREC please contact us via email and/or by calling us on +356 2340 2963.