Research ethics

To students carrying out research with human subjects

In the wake of COVID-19, some researchers will now be collecting interview data in an online environment, and will need to adapt their method of obtaining consent. 

In order to be in line with the UM Research Code of Practice , the researcher should forward the recruitment letter and/or consent form to prospective participants before the interview via email, or via post if the participants do not have access to email.

In the ideal situation, the form is printed, signed then sent back to the researcher in the post, or failing that, scanned or photographed (blue ink for signature in this case) and emailed back to the researcher. The audio recorded interview should then start with the participant declaring they have read and understood the documents, and verbally (or via text message or chat) give consent.

If there is a valid reason for not being able to obtain signed consent forms from participants, the researcher should audio record full verbal consent whereby the recruitment letter/consent form is read out before the interview and the participants verbally agree to all the conditions. It is important to include this process in the recording/saved chat transcript.

This guidance on options for acquiring informed consent online is to be used within the context of students' FREC approved research, under the guidance of their supervisor who is responsible for ensuring that research is carried out using ethical best practice as laid down in the UM Research Code of Practice  .


Submitting a research proposal to the Faculty of Arts Research Ethics Committee (FREC-Arts)