University of Malta

Overview Description
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Apply - Admissions 2016

  October 2020
COURSE TITLE Master of Arts in Islands and Small States Studies









Second Cycle

Level 7

5 Semesters

Part-time Evening


Lino Briguglio

The aim of the programme is to impart knowledge on Islands and Small State issues and to provide the opportunity for students to conduct research on the same issues by submitting assignments and writing a dissertation.
LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this course students should be able to understand the special problems and opportunities faced by Small States and Small Island Jurisdictions with regard to environmental, economic, social and political concerns, at the national, regional and international levels. Students would also be encouraged to conduct research and are expected to write a dissertation on islands and small states issues.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES AND ACCESS TO FURTHER STUDY Career opportunities include the following:- working in international organisations, working within government departments, teaching at secondary and tertiary levels, working in environmental NGOs.
COURSE INTENDED FOR The target audience includes students who completed a degree in geography, economics, social studies, environmental studies and related subjects who wish to specialise in the study of Islands and Small States.

Eligible applicants may register as visiting students for individual study-units and obtain credit for them. Should they be accepted to join the Course within seven years from following the first study-unit, the Board may allow the transfer of these credits to the student’s academic record for the Course.

Eligible applications, as well as applicants who do not possess the requirements for admission to the Masters course, may be allowed to follow individual study-units but shall not be allowed to sit for the assessment of the study-units.
The Course shall be open to applicants in possession of a Bachelor's degree with at least Second Class (Honours) or Category II in an area of study deemed relevant by the Board.

In exceptional cases the Admissions Board, on the recommendation of the Board, may admit into the Course applicants not in possession of a Bachelor’s degree, provided that it is satisfied that such applicants are in possession of other academic or professional qualifications and experience that together are deemed to be comparable to the level of a first degree. The admission of applicants under this paragraph shall be made after an interview during which their ability to successfully complete the Course with profit shall be assessed.

The interviewing board appointed by the Board shall be composed of at least three members.

Eligible applicants may register as visiting students for individual study-units and obtain credit for them. Should they be accepted to join the Course within seven years from following the first study-unit, the Board may allow the transfer of these credits to the student’s academic record for the Course.

In line with the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of regulation 9 of the Admissions Regulations, applicants who do not satisfy the requirements indicated above may be allowed to follow individual study-units but shall not be allowed to sit for the assessment of the study-units, provided the lecturer concerned poses no objection thereto and is satisfied that the individual has the necessary academic background to follow the study-unit with profit.

The admission requirements are applicable for courses commencing in October 2020.

For more detailed information pertaining to admission and progression requirements please refer to the bye-laws for the course available here.
Local/EU/EEA Applicants: Total Tuition Fees: Eur 4,800
Fee per semester: Eur 960

Non-EU/Non-EEA Applicants: Total Tuition Fees: Eur 10,800
Yr 1: Eur 5,400 - Yr 2: Eur 5,400



Last Updated: 27 April 2022
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
Unless for exceptional approved reasons, no changes to the programme of study for a particular academic year will be made once the students' registration period for that academic year begins.

The Get Qualified Scheme applies for dissertations in one of the eligible areas outlined in the Incentive Guidelines (

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