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Title: Dei Regein des Heiligen Orderns S. Lazari
Authors: Von Schlatt, Siegfried
Keywords: Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem -- History
Seedorf Monastery (Germany)
Issue Date: 1331
Abstract: Early 14th century Regulations held at Seedorf Monastery in Germany.
Description: Pictured in: Johannes Maria Muhllechner. Das Kloster Sankt Lazarus Seedorf und dei Lazariterregeln von 1314. GEMI, Prague, 2009
Transcribed in: G. Gall Morel, ed.: "Die altesten statuten fur die Lazaritenkloster Seedorf." in Der Geschichtsfreund: Mittheilungen des historischen Vereins der funf Orte Luzern, Uri, schwyz, Unterwalden und Zug, 4(1847), 119-158. The first part of these regulations covers the those composed "for the house in Jerusalem", i.e. before 1187, some section were added in Acre circa 1240-1291, and the last part when the Seedorf community was to become a nunnery in the 14th century.
Notes taken from: Gautier de Sibert. Histoire des Ordres Royaux, Hospitaliers-Militaires de Notre-Dame du Mont Carmel et de Saint-Lazare de Jérusalem. Imprimerie Royale, Paris, 1772
Brother Siegfried of flatte drew up the 1314 statutes of the order as they were observed in the Jerusalem House. He begins on p.11 by saying: “It is right that all those who would dwell in a community be of one mind, and that, loving God, they dwell under one rule; so, dear Brothers, we must keep and follow the rule of St. Augustine as our forefathers did. Besides the said rule, there are other statutes which are most needful to us every day; and for this reason we write them down, and beg all the rothers who shall follow us to observe them faithfully.”
Articles II, XI, XXVI of these statutes precribe that members serv the sick with rdent zeal; protect, feed and dress those whose diseases become incurable; to receive charitably into the hospital pilgrims, the poor and other of the wrethed abandoned who are incapable of earing their living.”
Appears in Collections:Documents - 12th-14th century - OSL - ERC

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