Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1976-02 | Dawl fit-tieqa (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Malta Theatrical Company; Caprioli, Gino; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Falzon, Joe; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1964-06 | [Ġabra ta’ kitbiet : Il-Malti, Ħarġa 40]. Prexilla ; Lis-Sur Tonin ; Dehra ; Allat tal-ġebel ; Qtigħ il-qalb ; Meta l-mara tibqa’ tmieri ; Jiena. | Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Gulia, Wallace Ph.; Cremona, Ġużeppi; Camilleri, Dun Frans; Theuma, Paul; Cremona, A.; Degabriele, Norbert A. |
1962-04 | Il-Familja Barrett (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Besier, Rudolf; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Ganado, Lena |
1973 | Il-mejta Edwina Black (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Malta Theatrical Company; Dinner, William; Morum, William; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1983-02 | Il-miraklu (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Sliema Theatrical Company; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1964-02 | Ir-raba' tarġa (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Maleth; Knott, Frederick; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Ganado, Lena |
1980-01 | Jum it-tieg (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Sliema Theatrical Company; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Vella, Joe S. |
1986-11 | Jum it-tieġ (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Sliema Theatrical Company; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1973-06 | L-ewwel festival tad-drama ta' l-iskejjel (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Malta. Ministry of Education and Culture. Department of Education; Pirotta, Valerie; Preca, Anna M.; Farrugia, Inez; Ellul, Edward; Riolo, Vanni; Chadwich, Eva; Galea, Mary Grace; Muscat, Pauline; Scerri, Godwin; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Mangion, A.; Saliba, H. |
1986-01 | Rabta bejn l'ahwa (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Sliema Theatrical Company; Alcott, Louisa May; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1974-03 | Rabta bejn l-ahwa (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Malta Theatrical Company; Alcott, Louisa May; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |
1976-11 | Rebecca (Theatre programme) | Manoel Theatre; Malta Theatrical Company; Du Maurier, Daphne; Attard Montalto, Giuseppina; Camilleri, Mary C. |