Browsing by Author Beardmore, Charlotte A.

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Competency level in radiotherapy across EU educational programmes : a cross-case study evaluating stakeholders’ perceptionsCouto, Jose Guilherme; McFadden, Sonyia L.; McClure, Patricia; Bezzina, Paul; Beardmore, Charlotte A.; Hughes, Ciara M.
2021EFRS statement on the importance of patient engagement and the patient voice within radiographic practiceEngland, Andrew; Beardmore, Charlotte A.; García Gorga, Rodrigo; Malamateniou, Christina; Portelli, Jonathan L.; Møller Christensen, Berit
2022Research ethics systems, processes, and awareness across Europe : radiography research ethics standards for Europe (RRESFE)Bockhold, S.; McNulty, Jonathan P.; Abdurakman, E.; Bezzina, Paul; Drey, N.; England, Andrew; Flinton, D.; Khine, R.; McEntee, M.; Mekiš, N.; Precht, H.; Rainford, Louise; Sá dos Reis, C.; Santos, A.; Syrgiamiotis, V.; Willis, S.; Woodley, J.; Beardmore, Charlotte A.; Harris, R.; O'Regan, T.; Malamateniou, C.
2022Research ethics training, challenges, and suggested improvements across Europe : radiography research ethics standard for Europe (RRESFE)Bockhold, S.; McNulty, Jonathan P.; Abdurakman, E.; Bezzina, Paul; Drey, N.; England, Andrew; Flinton, D.; Khine, R.; McEntee, M.; Mekiš, N.; Precht, H.; Rainford, Louise; Sá dos Reis, C.; Santos, A.; Syrgiamiotis, V.; Willis, S.; Woodley, J.; Beardmore, Charlotte A.; Harris, R.; O'Regan, Malamateniou; T., C.
2022The SAFE EUROPE project : what is it all about?McFadden, Sonyia L.; Couto, Jose Guilherme; McClure, Patricia; Hughes, Ciara M.; Beardmore, Charlotte A.