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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987Analysis of Yellow-legged herring gull pellets from Filfla islandBorg, John; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
1987Arrival dates of Manx shearwaters at colonies in MaltaBorg, John; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
1988Avian, chiropteran and other remains in Barn owl Tyto alba pellets from GozoBorg, John; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
2024Challenges and opportunities of young farmers in MaltaBorg, John; Camilleri, Liberato; Attard, Everaldo
1988Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea breeding in its 2nd yearCachia-Zammit, Raymond; Borg, John
1995Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea found breeding on the east coast of MaltaBorg, John; Mallia, Manwel
1995Diet of the Barn owl Tyto alba in a rural area in GozoBorg, John; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
1988First breeding records of the Moorhen Gallinula chloropus in GozoSultana, Joe; Cachia-Zammit, Richard; Borg, John
1984Ic-CiefaBorg, John
1995Il-Merill : the ornithological journal of BirdLife Malta MOS no. 28Gauci, Charles; Borg, John; Sultana, Joe
1992An increase in sightings of Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Maltese waters during 1986-1988Borg, John
1991L-aghsafar ta’ FilflaBorg, John
1987Notes on the breeding biology of the Cory's shearwater in the Maltese islandsCachia-Zammit, Richard; Borg, John
1988The occurrence of two eggs in a nest of a Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedeaCachia-Zammit, Richard; Borg, John
1995Predation by the Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans on Storm petrels Hydrobates pelagicus on FilflaBorg, John; Sultana, Joe; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
1988The presence of a brood-patch in non-breeding Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedeaCachia-Zammit, Richard; Borg, John
1992The present status of the Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea on FilflaBorg, John; Sultana, Joe
1988Records of Skylark Alauda arvensis singing in the Maltese IslandsCachia-Zammit, Richard; Borg, John
1988A review of the breeding population of the Yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans in the Maltese islandsBorg, John; Cachia-Zammit, Richard
n.d.Sinjur mil-gdid (Theater script)Oratory of St. Domenico Savio (Birkirkara, Malta); Borg, John