Browsing by Author Borg, Joseph

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 341  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1993160 sena mit-tqegħid ta' l-ewwel ġebla tar-Rotunda tal-MostaBorg, Joseph
20021902 - Sena ta' opri kbar fir-RotundaBorg, Joseph
2022Alessandro Bergamini : Q’eros beyond the cloudsBallotta, Valerio; Borg, Joseph; Frendo, Maria; Il-Ħaġar, Heart of Gozo Museum (Victoria, Malta)
2001Alfonso Maria Galea 1861-1941Borg, Joseph; Camilleri, Joseph C.
2011Are the typologies determined by the post-critical belief scale predicted well by the religious attitudes and behaviour of Maltese undergraduate students?Lauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef; Borg, Joseph
2007, MarArtisti li ħadmu għar-Rotunda tal-MostaBorg, Joseph
2010Attitudes of a sample of English, Maltese and German teachers towards media educationLauri, Mary Anne; Borg, Joseph; Gillum, R.; Gunnel, T.
2023Bayesian birth-death skyline model - a case study on heterochronous Maltese SARS-COV-2 genomic dataUrsino, Gianluca; Borg Inguanez, Monique; Suda, David; Borg, Joseph; Zahra, Graziella
2023CarbonaroBorg, Joseph; Camilleri, Austin; Frendo, Maria; Il-Ħaġar, Heart of Gozo Museum (Victoria, Malta)
1983The Cathedral Church of MaltaBorg, Joseph
2015Children’s internet use and parents’ perceptions of their children’s online experienceLauri, Mary Anne; Borg, Joseph; Farrugia, Lorleen
2006Children’s mastering of the information society : a Maltese contributionLauri, Mary Anne; Borg, Joseph
2019The Church's media structures in the Maltese mediascapeBorg, Joseph; Lauri, Mary Anne
2015Communicating faith through the legacy media. Theological reflections and pastoral implicationsSultana, Carl-Mario; Borg, Joseph
2011A comparative study of EU documents on media literacyBorg, Joseph; Lauri, Mary Anne
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 1Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 10Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 11Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 12Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2011Decizjonijiet storici : program 13Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph