Browsing by Author Mazawi, Andre Elias
Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2013 | Beyond shadows : equity, diversity, and private tutoring | Mazawi, Andre Elias; Sultana, Ronald G.; Bray, Mark |
2016 | [Book review] M. Benguerna and E. Mangone (eds.). Beyond the borders : the Mediterranean between cultures, migrations and life-world | Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2019-12 | The (de)colonial pedagogical possibilities of film and film festivals (a two-part special issue) : special issue editorial introduction | Medel, Sonia; Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2008 | Dis/Integrated orders and the politics of recognition : civil upheavals, militarism, and educators' lives and work | Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2009 | Dis/integrated orders and the politics of recognition : civil upheavals, militarism, and educators’ lives and work | Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2010 | Editorial introduction : situating the ‘worlds’ of Arab education : critical engagements | Mazawi, Andre Elias; Sultana, Ronald G. |
2011 | Education as spaces of community engagement and a ‘capacity to aspire’ | Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2013 | Introduction : situating private tutoring | Bray, Mark; Mazawi, Andre Elias; Sultana, Ronald G. |
2019 | Postcolonial Directions in Education : volume 8 : issue 2 | Hickling Hudson, Anne; Mayo, Peter; Raykov, Milosh; Medel, Sonia; Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2020-06 | Postcolonial Directions in Education : volume 9 : issue 1 | Hickling Hudson, Anne; Mayo, Peter; Raykov, Milosh; Medel, Sonia; Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2013 | Private tutoring across the Mediterranean | Bray, Mark; Mazawi, Andre Elias; Sultana, Ronald G. |
2020-06 | Special issue : the (de)colonial pedagogical possibilities of film and film festivals (part 2) [editorial] | Medel, Sonia; Mazawi, Andre Elias |
2019-12 | “Talking in/talking out” : indigenous knowledge, filmmaking, and the decolonizing poetics of visual sovereignty : a conversation with Dr. Dorothy Christian | Christian, Dorothy; Medel, Sonia; Mazawi, Andre Elias |