Browsing by Author Micallef, George

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1987-03Cin ci là (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; YADA Dance Company; Lombardo, Carlo; Ranzato, Virgilio; Micallef, George; Chircop, Twanny; Mizzi, Archibald; Spiteri, George; Busuttil, Felix
1987-01Cin ci là (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; YADA Dance Company; Lombardo, Carlo; Ranzato, Virgilio; Micallef, George; Chircop, Twanny; Mizzi, Archibald; Spiteri, George; Busuttil, Felix
1984-02Delitt fil-Grand Hotel (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; Simonds Farsons Cisk Ltd.; Ridley, Arnold; Attard, Charles; Micallef, George
2016The era of the digital society : is there still scope for traditional marketing?Micallef, George
1988-01Il paese dei campanelli (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; YADA Dance Company; Lombardo, Carlo; Ranzato, Virgilio; Brincat, Joe; Chircop, Twanny; Mizzi, Archibald; Micallef, George; Fenech, Doreen
2008Il-knisja tal-Vitorja f'Ħal QormiMicallef, George
1983-01-08L-Avukat difensurValletta Dramatic Company; Salesian Theatre (Sliema, Malta); Micallef, George; Morais, Mario; Attard, Charles
1983-01L-avukat difensur (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; Morais, Mario; Attard, Charles; Micallef, George
2007San Leonardu fil-knisja tal-Vittorja f'Ħal QormiMicallef, George
1989-01Scugnizza (Programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; YADA Dance Company; Lombardo, Carlo; Costa, Mario Pasquale; Brincat, Joe; Chircop, Twanny; Mizzi, Archibald; Micallef, George; Fenech, Doreen
1980-10Tidderiegi l-mara (Theatre programme)Manoel Theatre; Valletta Dramatic Company; Roberto, Franco; Izzo, Charles; Micallef, George