Browsing by Author Mifsud, Immanuel

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
202155Mifsud, Immanuel
1989-02Accidental death of an anarchist (Theater program)Fabrika Fantastika; Mifsud, Immanuel; Fo, Dario
1988-10-15Andorra (Theater program)Fabrika Fantastika; Kampus; Frisch, Max; Camilleri, Jennifer; Mifsud, Immanuel
2022Before a portrait by KwangHo ShinMifsud, Immanuel
2004Besedna Igra v Malteški literaturi (Lettrism in Maltese literature)Mifsud, Immanuel
2022-09Bogħod-viċin, viċin-bogħod : iċ-ċaqliq u n-nuqqas tiegħu fil-movimenti letterarjiMifsud, Immanuel
1997The brightest and the best? Reproducing elites in a Maltese schoolMifsud, Immanuel
2020Ce rocher qui est le nôtreMifsud, Immanuel
2021ChildrenMifsud, Immanuel
2020Children by the Valdar RiverMifsud, Immanuel
2023-06Dik is-siġra f'nofs ta' triq (Theatre programme)Teatru Malta; Theatre Anon; Mifsud, Immanuel; Gatt, Chris; Portelli, Paul; Garzia, Albert
1996Education in an opening marketMifsud, Immanuel
2019-04-10The erotics of the crucifix : Mary Magdalene and the poetMifsud, Immanuel
2020Excerpts from Daqsxejn ta’ Requiem lil Leli / A modest Requiem for LeliMifsud, Immanuel
2014Exposed women and the hidden visibility of male bodiesMifsud, Immanuel; Stone, Amanda
2005Fili : Ir-Romantiċiżmu modern tal-ModerniMifsud, Immanuel; University of Malta. Junior College. Department of Maltese
2021For the treesMifsud, Immanuel
1989[Gabra ta’ kitbiet : Lehen il-Malti, Ghadd 23] - Passiggata ; Poeziji lil Nifer Leri ; ...u Alla jsikket lil dan hsiebi ; NoliAbela, Anna Maria; Mifsud, Immanuel; Borg, Paul P.; Zammit Marmara, Marcel
2002[Gabra ta’ kitbiet : Lehen il-Malti, Ghadd 30] - Il-wasla mhux mistennija ; Il-gnien ; Lil alla falz ; Horeb ; Jien u int ; Le grand tango ; HajkuGrima, Adrian; Holland, Henry; Mizzi, Achille; Vella, Marjanu; Zammit Tabona, Joe; Mifsud, Immanuel; Attard, Josette
2007Gwerrieri u sinjorini: Mary Meylak u l-poeżija tal-ġisemMifsud, Immanuel