Browsing by Author Montebello, Matthew

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 162  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Accreditation and quality assurance of e-learning based distance learning institutionMontebello, Matthew
2019AI in education - a practical guide for teachers and young peopleCamilleri, Vanessa; Dingli, Alexiei; Montebello, Matthew
2012Ambient intelligent agent to control crowd dynamicsMontebello, Matthew
2019Ambient intelligent classrooms - beyond the indispensable educatorMontebello, Matthew
2015An analysis of tablets to be deployed in government schoolsUniversity of Malta. Faculty of ICT; Montebello, Matthew; Dingli, Alexiei; Garg, Lalit; Layfield, Colin
2007Applying ubiquitous commerce concepts to wearable devicesMicallef, Nicholas; Montebello, Matthew
2008ARCHie - augmented reality for cultural heritage in interactive e-learningCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2008ARIEL : Augmented Reality in Interactive E-learningCamilleri, Vanessa; Montebello, Matthew
2014Artificial intelligence to the rescue of e-learningMontebello, Matthew
2019Assessment innovation in higher education by integrating learning analyticsHaniya, Samaa; Tzirides, Anastasia Olga; Georgiadou, Keratso; Montebello, Matthew; Kalantzis, Mary; Cope, Bill
2012Assisting blind personsMontebello, Matthew
2018Assisting education through real-time learner analyticsMontebello, Matthew
2011Augmenting life experiences through handheld devicesMontebello, Matthew
2009Automated yacht mooringMontebello, Matthew; Borg, Zak
2005A BPEL engine and editor for the .NET frameworkBuckle, Matthew; Abela, Charlie; Montebello, Matthew
2018Career professional development through VRMontebello, Matthew
1989The case of church schools in MaltaBorg, Robert; Montebello, Matthew
2013A case study inside a virtual world - use of analytics for immersive spacesCamilleri, Vanessa; Freitas, Sara de; Montebello, Matthew; McDonagh-Smith, Paul
2006CCBR ontology for reusable service templatesAbela, Charlie; Montebello, Matthew
2017Classroom technology acceptance for teachers in 3D : a case study in PreVieWCamilleri, Vanessa; Freitas, Sara de; Dunwell, Ian; Montebello, Matthew