Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Blockchain technologies in the educational sector : a reflection on the topic in the middle of the Covid-19 situation | Pfeiffer, Alexander; Thomas, André; Wernbacher, Thomas; Black, Michael; Muniz, Nick; Donelan, Lloyd; Lenzen, Brenton; Dingli, Alexiei; Vella, Vince; Bezzina, Stephen; Pirker-Ihl, Manuel |
2021 | Blockchain technologies in the educational sector. Results of the initial data collection | Pfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei |
2022-11 | Enhancing stock price prediction models by using concept drift detectors | Sammut, Charlton; Abela, Charlie; Vella, Vince |
2006 | [Ġabra ta’ kitbiet : Il-Malti, Ħarġa 78] Hemm xtajta ; Kelma ; Inżul ix-xemx fuq il-Guadalquivir ; In-ners ; Tbissima ; Qalbi ; Poeżija waħda ; Nugrufum ; Bħal vuċi oħra ġo dil-konfużjoni ; Funeral ; Ftit weraq mill-gżira ; Għax xi darba kien hemm il-Palestina ; It-tmiem fil-qrib ; Biljett miftuħ ; Statistika ; Meta waqa’ l-ispazju kollu fuqha ; Passju ; Abdilla l-għaqli u l-kibx il-mitluf ; Qaddis ġdid ; Bl-irħis ; Fejn hemm il-beraħ ; L-Apostata jew moħħ imħarbat ; Il-kantiku tal-ħlejjaq ; Siltiet minn “Il-Profeta” ; L-għaxija ta’ jum ta’ festa ; Is-sibt fir-raħal. | Borg, Ġorġ; Borg, Paul P.; Bugeja, Norbert; Casha, Charles; Cauchi, Carmel G.; Grech, Sergio; Grech Ganado, Maria; Grima, Adrian; Holland, Henry; Mifsud, Immanuel; Nabhan, Walid; Sammut, Patrick; Schembri, Karl; Sciberras, Lillian; Azzopardi, Clare; Borg, Stanley; Borg, Steve; Mifsud Bonnici, Maurice; Vella, Vince; Żahra, Trevor; Aquilina, Toni; Debono, Mario; Fenech, Victor; Friggieri, Oliver; Palma, Alfred; Gibrar, Kahlil; Camus, Albert; Leopardi, Giacomo |
2021 | TD3-based ensemble reinforcement learning for financial portfolio optimisation | Cuschieri, Nigel; Vella, Vince; Bajada, Josef |
2021 | The use of blockchain technologies to issue and verify micro-credentials for customised educational journeys : presentation of a demonstrator | Pfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Wernbacher, Thomas; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei; Denk, Natalie |
2020 | The use of blockchain-supported reward systems for knowledge transfer between generations | Pfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Wernbacher, Thomas; Vella, Vince; Dingli, Alexiei; Serada, Alesja |
2020-01-24 | Wara l-ħajt | Spazju Kreattiv; Vermiglio Theatre Productions (Theater company); Vella, Vince; Farrugia, Carlos |
2020-01-24 | Wara l-ħajt (Theater program) | Vermiglio Theatre Productions (Theater company); Spazju Kreattiv; Vella, Vince; Farrugia, Carlos |
2021 | What role can blockchain-based digital identities play to counteract (cyber)crime in relation to assessment results and credentials in the educational sector? A glimpse into the future | Pfeiffer, Alexander; Bezzina, Stephen; Kriglstein, Simone; Wernbacher, Thomas; Dingli, Alexiei; Vella, Vince |