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Showing results 1 to 20 of 307  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
198712 : 8 : 2 multi-track mixing console for recording purposesScicluna, Ivan M. (1978)
2021Achieving algorithmic transparency through the right to an explanationSammut, Katrina (2021)
2022Achieving stability in algorithmic stablecoinsKostopoulos, Nikolaos (2022)
2012Action recognition using pattern recognitionSchembri, Lara (2012)
2017Advanced AI for enemy management in digital gamesBeshovski, Georgi Hristov
2021Algorithm for validating financial and economic web pages in terms of web content accessibility guidelinesProbierz, Eryka; Jędrasiak, Karol
2002Algorithms for computing the regression coefficients : recommendationsHombas, Vassilis C.
2021All according to plan : generating mystery game narrativesAmato-Gauci, Alexander (2021)
2022Analysing diverse algorithms performing music genre recognitionButtigieg Vella, Jamie (2022)
2017Analysing the implications of algorithmic high frequency trading on the bid-ask spread in commodity marketsCutajar, Christopher
2020Analysis of EOG data recorded while readingMifsud, Matthew (2020)
2018Analysis of solar photovoltaic system operating under partial shading conditionsBorg, Glen
2022The application of customer relationship management for digital health systems with the management of outpatients as a use caseFenech, Nicole (2022)
2010ARM : an acoustic reverberation mixerCassar, Keane (2010)
2016Art recommendation APPZammit Stevens, Jade
1989Assessment of network losses in the local power systemDelia, Mary Grace (1989)
2019Audio effects library for Digital Signal ProcessorSpiteri, Julian
2013Audio fingerprintingDarmanin, Glenn (2013)
2023Automated AI assisted tradingCamilleri, Max (2023)
2013Automated bot player detection for games using runtime verificationDebattista, Joe Matthew (2013)