Browsing by Subject Anti-infective agents

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018The adhesion G protein-coupled receptor GPR97/ADGRG3 is expressed in human granulocytes and triggers antimicrobial effector functionsHsiao, Cheng-Chih; Chu, Tai-Ying; Wu, Chia-Jung; Biggelaar, Maartje van den; Pabst, Caroline; Hébert, Josée; Kuijpers, Taco W.; Scicluna, Brendon P.; Yu, Kuan; Chen, Tse-Ching; Liebscher, Ines; Hamann, Jörg; Lin, Hsi-Hsien
2008Antibiotic resistance surveillance and control in countries of the Mediterranean regionBorg, Michael Angelo
2018Antimicrobial consumption and resistance in adult hospital inpatients in 53 countries : results of an internet-based global point prevalence surveyVersporten, Ann; Zarb, Peter; Caniaux, Isabelle; Gros, Marie-Françoise; Drapier, Nico; Miller, Mark; Jarlier, Vincent; Nathwani, Dilip; Goossens, Herman; Global-PPS network
2015Antimicrobial efficacy of a novel assisted ultrasound technologyGarroni, Elisa
2012Antimicrobial prescribing in hospitalized adults stratified by ageZarb, Peter; Amadeo, Brice; Muller, Arno; Drapier, Nico; Vankerckhoven, Vanessa; Davey, Peter; Goossens, Herman
2008Antimicrobial resistance in invasive strains of Escherichia coli from southern and eastern Mediterranean laboratoriesBorg, Michael Angelo; Van De Sande-Bruinsma, Nienke; Scicluna, Elizabeth Anne; De Kraker, M. E. A.; Tiemersma, Edine W.; Monen, Jos C.M.; Grundmann, H.
2018Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals : results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017Plachouras, Diamantis; Kärki, Tommi; Hansen, Sonja; Hopkins, Susan; Lyytikäinen, Outi; Moro, Maria Luisa; Reilly, Jacqui; Zarb, Peter; Zingg, Walter; Kinross, Pete; Weist, Klaus; Monnet, Dominique L.; Suetens, Carl; Point Prevalence Survey Study Group
2024A brief overview of the medicinal and nutraceutical importance of Inonotus obliquus (chaga) mushroomsCamilleri, Emma; Blundell, Renald; Baral, Bikash; Karpinski, Tomasz M.; Aruci, Edlira; Atrooz, Omar M.
2016Carriage of multidrug-resistant organisms in a tertiary university hospital in Albania - a point prevalence surveyParascandalo, Falzon A.; Zarb, Peter; Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; Lacej, D.; Bitincka, S.; Manastirliu, O.; Nika, Daniela; Borg, Michael Angelo
2017Clean your hands 5th may 2017 : 'fight antibiotic resistance - it's in your hands'Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; Pires, Daniela; Pittet, Didier
2022Comparing surgeons' skin tolerance and acceptability to alcohol-based surgical hand preparation vs traditional surgical scrub : a matched quasi-experimental studyRicci Lopes, Ana Elisa; Menegueti, Mayra Gonçalves; Gaspar, Gilberto Gambero; Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; da Silva Canini, Silvia Rita Marin; Pittet, Didier; Bellissimo-Rodrigues, Fernando
2007Comparison of outpatient systemic antibacterial use in 2004 in the United States and 27 European countriesGoossens, Herman; Ferech, Matus; Coenen, Samuel; Stephens, Peter; Zarb, Peter; European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Consumption Project Group
2019Decreasing and stabilising trends of antimicrobial consumption and resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae in segmented regression analysis, European Union/European Economic Area, 2001 to 2018Peñalva, Germán; Diaz Högberg, Liselotte; Weist, Klaus; Vlahović-Palčevski, Vera; Heuer, Ole; Monnet, Dominique L.; Zarb, Peter; EARS-Net study group
2011Drug utilization 75% (DU75%) in 17 European hospitals (2000 - 2005) : results from the ESAC-2 hospital care sub projectZarb, Peter; Ansari, Faranak; Muller, Arno; Vankerckhoven, Venessa; Davey, Peter G.; Goossens, Herman
2015Effect of sterilization techniques prior to antimicrobial testing on physical properties of dental restorative materialsFarrugia, Cher; Cassar, Glenn; Valdramidis, Vasilis; Camilleri, Josette
2020Effect of the surface morphology of TiO2 nanotubes on photocatalytic efficacy using electron-transfer-based assays and antimicrobial testsLia, Frederick; Farrugia, Clayton; Buccheri, Maria Antonietta; Rappazzo, Giancarlo; Zammit, Edwin; Rizzo, Alex; Grech, Maurice; Refalo, Paul; Abela, Stephen
2017Escherichia coliDarmanin, Martina
2024Evaluating national infection prevention and control minimum requirements : evidence from global cross-sectional surveys, 2017–22Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; Tomczyk, Sara; Twyman, Anthony; Coutinho Rehse, Ana Paula; Gomaa, Mohamed; Talaat, Maha; Singh Shah, Aparna; Sobel, Howard; Toledo, Joao Paulo; Allegranzi, Benedetta
2023Evaluation of the implementation of WHO infection prevention and control core components in Turkish health care facilities : results from a WHO infection prevention and control assessment framework (IPCAF)-based surveyAzak, Emel; Sertcelik, Ahmet; Ersoz, Gulden; Celebi, Guven; Eser, Fatma; Batirel, Ayse; Cag, Yasemin; Ture, Zeynep; Engin, Derya Ozturk; Yetkin, Meltem Arzu; Kaygusuz, Sedat; Candevir, Aslıhan; Tartari Bonnici, Ermira; Rello, Jordi; Alp, Emine; Turkish Hospital Infection Research Group
2012Human use of antimicrobial agentsZarb, Peter; Goossens, Herman