Browsing by Subject Automatic speech recognition

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 68  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011-08An accurate and robust gender identification algorithmDeMarco, Andrea; Cox, Stephen J.
2015Acoustic approaches to gender and accent identificationDeMarco, Andrea
2000An analog VLSI time-delay neural network implementation for phoneme recognitionGatt, Edward; Micallef, Joseph; Chilton, Edward
1975Analysis and synthesis of Maltese speechMuscat, Joe (1975)
2021Analysis of data augmentation methods for low-resource Maltese ASRDeMarco, Andrea; Mena, Carlos; Gatt, Albert; Borg, Claudia; Williams, Aiden; van der Plas, Lonneke
2022The applicability of Wav2Vec 2.0 for low-resource Maltese ASRWilliams, Aiden (2022)
2023The applicability of Wav2Vec2 and whisper for low-resource Maltese ASRWilliams, Aiden; DeMarco, Andrea; Borg, Claudia
2022Autoencoder-based voice conversion for ASR data augmentationSpiteri, Julian (2022)
2020Automatic detection and classification of head movements in face-to-face conversationsPaggio, Patrizia; Gatt, Albert; Klinge, Roman
1994Automatic speaker verificationPortelli, Michel (1994)
2021Automatic speech recognition in the assessment of child speechButtigieg, Loridana; Grech, Helen; Fabri, Simon G.; Attard, James; Farrugia, Philip
2022Automatic transcription and summarisation of multi-speaker meetingsDimech, Mikea (2022)
2017Classifying head movements in video-recorded conversations based on movement velocity, acceleration and jerkJongejan, Bart; Paggio, Patrizia; Navarretta, Costanza
1995Clustering techniques for speech segmentationMicallef, Alexandra (1995)
2013Comparative study of automatic speech recognition techniquesCutajar, Michelle; Gatt, Edward; Grech, Ivan; Casha, Owen; Micallef, Joseph
2012Comparison of different multiclass SVM methods for speaker independent phoneme recognition.Cutajar, Michelle; Gatt, Edward; Grech, Ivan; Casha, Owen; Micallef, Joseph
2015Comparison of hearing aid outcome measures in adult hearing aid usersMiggiani, Pauline
2016-06Comparison of hearing aid outcome measures in adult hearing aid usersMiggiani, Pauline; Tabone, Nadine
2021A comparison of speech recognition techniques and modelsPizzuto, Andrew (2021)
2016Coordination of head movements and speech in first encounter dialoguesPaggio, Patrizia