Browsing by Subject Ethnocentrism

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Consumer ethnocentrism tendency in Malta : a focus on the Maltese services industryBuhagiar, Denise
2005The effect of anomia on ethnocentric tendencies : a study among small businesses in two island microstatesCaruana, Albert
2002The effect of anomia on ethnocentric tendencies among owner/managers of small businesses : a study from two island microstatesCaruana, Albert; Chircop, Saviour; Phua, Willie
1996A global dimension via the teaching of the 'Ancient World' : theoretical concepts and an empirical approach from Greek primary textbooksHourdakis, Anthony
2016The impact of corporate endorsement on brand building and credibility : how consumer ethnocentrism and susceptibility to peer influence effect attitudes towards brand alliances and parent brand’s credibilityManicaro, Maria
2024Navigating barriers to organic food purchase intention : a mixed method longitudinal approach in an emerging marketChakraborty, Debarun; Choubey, Vardhan; Joshi, Prasad; Dash, Ganesh; Camilleri, Mark Anthony; Zhang, Justin
2015The spiral of conflict : naive realism and the black sheep effect in attributions of knowledge and ignoranceSammut, Gordon; Bezzina, Frank; Sartawi, Mohammad
2004The state as an "option" in a multi-ethnical society : 105 ways to address the problem of Western legal ethnocentrism without adopting cultural relativismSbailo, Ciro
2024Towards a concentric spatial psychology for social and emotional education : beyond the interlocking spatial pillars of modernismDownes, Paul
2011X'ħasibna? Għarab slavaġ tal-Mokololo? L-identità u l-Ewroċentriżmu fil-kitba ta' Manwel DimechGrech, Michael