Browsing by Subject European Commission

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Abuse of dominant position on digital market : is the European Commission going back to the old paradigm?Kostecka-Jurczyk, Daria
2007The analysis of European Commission decision against Microsoft caseFenech, Rodianne (2007)
2022An analysis of the changes in AML and CFT directive : proactive or reactive?Agius, Kurt (2022)
2007The application of article 82 of the EC Treaty to exclusionary abuses : the way aheadScicluna, Adriana (2007)
2012The application of EU competition law in the field of sportMagri, Wayne (2012)
2013Assessing animal welfare on cattle, sheep and goat farms in Malta after the implementation of European Union policiesGrech, Darryl (2013)
2000Case for the retention of the status quo regarding the exportation of Maltese Stone : A pre EU accession report for the Government of MaltaLino Bianco & Associates; Bianco, Lino
2014A critical analysis of the payment services directive and its practical applicationGauci, Rachel
2011EC project "guidelines on MPE" : proposed qualification and curriculum frameworks and the MPE in nuclear medicineCaruana, Carmel J.
2011Education targets in Europe 2020 : challenges and prospects for MaltaScerri, Ceridwen (2011)
2022Engaging with the EU policy-makingVassallo, Mario Thomas
2022The EU institutions' role in the formulation of the NextGenerationEU recovery planAttard, Mildred (2022)
2003Europe's new borders : the impact of EU enlargementBonello, Claude (2003)
2007The European commission as the prime target of interest groups : an analysis of the Maltese situationGatt, Maria (2007)
2021The European Commission’s policy on the rate of early school leavers in the EUGalea, Stefan Paul (2021)
2020The future of the EU in Jean-Claude Juncker's State of the Union speechesCachia, Jean Claude; University of Malta. Institute for European Studies
2024Gender equality promotion within the European Union institutionsBusuttil, Mariah (2024)
2007The ''good'' company : business ethics in the EU and MaltaXuereb, Peter G.
1987Il-Gzejjer : Issue 2 : 1987Department of Information (Malta)
1986Il-Gzejjer : Issue 3 : 1986Department of Information (Malta)