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Showing results 1 to 20 of 108  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-10Agora S1-13 propgrammesVassallo, Mario Thomas
1974The Anglican-Roman Catholic agreement on the Eucharist : background theological notes for an understanding of the 1971 AgreementCalleja, Julian S. (1974)
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei : cross-sectional eological refections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2013The Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei: cross-sectional theological reflections and pastoral implicationsScerri, Hector
2011Are the typologies determined by the post-critical belief scale predicted well by the religious attitudes and behaviour of Maltese undergraduate students?Lauri, Mary Anne; Lauri, Josef; Borg, Joseph
1986Concise research in blind rehabilitationAbela, Victor Mario (1986)
2019Cor ad cor loquitur. Vol. 2. Gabra ta' diskorsi dwar il-fidi u l-hajja nisranija fil-knisja u fis-socjeta` (1998-2019). It-tieni parti (2013-2019)Scerri, Hector
2019Cor ad cor loquitur. Vol. 2. Gabra ta' diskorsi dwar il-fidi u l-hajja nisranija fil-knisja u fis-socjeta` (1998-2019). L-ewwel parti (1998-2012)Scerri, Hector
1971The crisis of faith among youthAquilina, Mansueta (1971)
2005Discipleship in Mark's Gospel : from unbelief to rejectionLivori, Kathleen (2005)
2008The early devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary of Ta' Pinu, 1883-1920Vella, Joseph Mario (2008)
2018Faith as a condition for sacramental marriageGouder, Anthony
2011Faith in pluralistic Malta : the relevance of the Maltese Catholic Church in the context of current changes in contemporary Maltese familiesAbela, Angela; Fenech, Chantelle
1840Faith, hope and charity. The substance of a sermon preached at the dedication of The Catholic Chapel at Bradford, in the County of York, on Wednesday, July 27, 1825Baines, Peter Augustine
1869Fide et operibusSocietà Promotrice Cattolica Fiorentina; Caruana, Vincenzo
1999Fides et Ratio ... according to AverroesEllul, Joseph
2012Fidi - fiducja u fidi - dak li nemmenSciberras, Paul
1985Fundamental option in HäringGeraldi, Anthony (1985)
2018God, Teresa and Luther : is there such a thing as passive faith?Attard, Glen
1999The idea of God among Maltese post-secondary school studentsCaruana, Anna