Browsing by Subject Human-machine systems

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023AI and games : the remarkable case of MaltaYannakakis, Georgios N.
2017-10Annual activity report 2016-2017Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2019-11Annual activity report 2018-2019Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2020-10Annual Activity Report 2019-2020Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2021-10Annual activity report 2020-2021Bonnici, Alexandra; University of Malta. Faculty of Engineering. Department of Systems & Control Engineering
2023-11Annual activity report 2022-2023Bonnici, Alexandra
2024-11Annual report - 2023-2024Bonnici, Alexandra
2015Emotion-based music playerPortelli, Christopher
2021Ergonomic reengineering of real-time human-machine interaction as a safety component of modern manufacturing technologiesSławińska, Małgorzata; Zwolankiewicz, Anna
2008Experimental evaluation of haptic control for human activated command devicesZammit Mangion, Andrew; Fabri, Simon G.
2013FPGA based gateway for interfacing a PLC to an OPC UA clientMuscat, Donha Maria (2013)
2009Game adaptivity impact on affective physical interactionYannakakis, Georgios N.
2012Game AI revisitedYannakakis, Georgios N.
2022-07Games, TAMED, and AI empathyFirbank, Jonathan
2005A generic approach for obtaining higher entertainment in predator/prey computer gamesYannakakis, Georgios N.; Hallam, John
2018Implementation of control techniques for a semi-autonomous underwater vehicleCassar, Joel
2020Introducing the concept of digital-agent signatures for human- robot-robot-human interactionPfeiffer, Alexander; Serada, Alesha; Bugeja, Mark; Bezzina, Stephen
2014A new HMI for aircraft guidance using touch technologiesJedruszek, Mateusz; Gauci, Jason; Muscat, Alan; Zammit-Mangion, David
2022Plant automation with motion controlPace, Ryan (2022)
2017Remotely piloted aircraft systems : the legal challengesCesare, Thea Lynn