Browsing by Subject Identity (Philosophical concept)

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997AbstractsFoundation for International Studies
2013Aesthetics, identity and literary theory : the Maltese post-independence experienceApap, Stephanie
2024Ambaxxaturi barranin tal-ilsien MaltiBorg, Joseph P.
2011Arkeoloġija tal-plastik: L-identità Maltija kontemporanja u l-istorjaVella, Raphael
2024Bodies in motion : researching the perceptions of body and self in somatic danceTuominen, Tuuli Helena (2024)
2023Complexity and autonomous agency : a philosophical study of the effects of complexity on personal autonomy in rationalised societiesPisani, Keith (2023)
2021Confronting the gaze : an investigation into how a single defining picture of reality can be captured by multiple camerasPolidano, Bernard (2021)
2022Does animating virtual characters affect later face identity processing?Nguyen, Tram T. N.; Formosa, Saviour; Thornton, Ian M.
2002-05-13Empty space and the city : the reoccupation of BerlinGrech, John
2022The EU and the multifaceted nature of European identityDeBattista, André P.
2021Exploring the lived experience of young Maltese ethnic minoritiesScicluna, Jonathan Matthew (2021)
2019The family archive : reconstructing unwitnessed photosAttard, Emma
2011Fil-bidu kien il-verb...u l-verb kien Malti: Il-ġenesi tal-letteratura bil-Malti u l-identità nazzjonaliGalea, Marco
2007For a feasible fulfilment 'I' was twice divided then finally blighted : a scrutiny of selfhood to secure self-fulfilmentMagro, Giles (2007)
2023Foreword [Mediterranean Journal of Migration]Azzopardi, Andrew
2002Gozo in the world and the world in Gozo : the cultural impact of migration and return migration on an island communityXerri, Raymond C. (2002)
2019Have you asked for it? An exploratory study about Maltese adolescents’ use of Ask.fmFarrugia, Lorleen; Lauri, Mary Anne; Borg, Joseph; O’Neill, Brian
2019How growing up in Malta and England changed my understanding of identityZammit, David E.
2004The individual's fundamental rights : the right to one's identityLabriola, Silvano
2012Introduction : posthumanist subjectivities, or, coming after the subject...Callus, Ivan; Herbrechter, Stefan