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Showing results 1 to 20 of 65  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1974The Anglican-Roman Catholic agreement on the Eucharist : background theological notes for an understanding of the 1971 AgreementCalleja, Julian S. (1974)
2007Come sangue versato : l'essenza della martyria cristianaScerri, Hector
2004Consecrated life : a witness to communionCucciardi, Jurgen (2004)
2002Dall'actuosa participatio ad un'ortoprassi eucaristica autenticaScerri, Hector
2012Discipleship through the Eucharist in John Paul IIFarrugia, Paola
2015Diskorsi u lilhinn minnhom : program 12Pirotta, Joseph; Borg, Joseph
2015The Eucharist and freedom in contemporary theologians and in the magisterium of Pope John Paul IIScerri, Hector; Agius, Emmanuel; Scerri, Hector
2012The Eucharist and Freedom Recalling the Impact of the Magisterium of Pope John Paul II at the International Eucharistic Congress at Wroclaw (1997)Scerri, Hector
2002The Eucharist in the first 300 years of ChristianitySimler, Antoinette (2002)
2001The Eucharist in the life and writings of St. Teresa of JesusAttard, Adrian (2001)
1999F'għeluq il-50 sena tat-tabernaklu tal-fidda fil-kappella tas-SagramentA.M.B.
2004'Fides quaerens intellectum practico-socialem' in the Writings of Adalbert-G. Hamman (1910-2000): Some Footnotes to the Pro-existential Attitude of the FathersScerri, Hector
2007-01Film ta' ikla jew ikla ta' veru? Tista' tisma' l-quddiesa tal-Ħadd fuq it-TV?Scerri, Hector
2015'From the open side of the Lord' : on Joseph Ratzinger's Eucharistic ecclesiologyBerry, John Anthony
2009Id-Dumnikani u s-Sodalita' tal-Beata ImeldaLanfranco, Guido
1987Il-Belt Victoria : volume 35 : 1987Parish of St. George (Victoria, Malta)
1989-12Il-bulettini tal-precett ta' l-GhidPorsella-Flores, Joseph F.
1990Il-festa ta' Corpus ChristiButtigieg, Anton
2014Il-festa ta' Corpus DominiMassa, Alfred
1913-11-04Il-Habib. No. 89Muscat Azzopardi, Ġużè