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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Adaptation of patients to continuous ambulatoty peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)Cachia, Dorianne
1992Back pain as an occupational hazardTanti, Denis (1992)
2008Becoming a nurse : a process of learningCamilleri, Michelle
2008Career trajectories of young people : examples from the nursing professionAbela, Maria (2008)
2009Clients' satisfaction with hospice services as perceived by the multidisciplinary teamCamilleri, Carmen
2009Dementia in Malta : experiences of dementia patients and their caregiversScerri, Charles; Innes, Anthea; Abela, Stephen
1990Ethics in nursingAbela, Margaret (1990)
2012An evaluation of nurse-led diabetes services held in collaboration with two local councils in 2006.Bezzina, Carmen
2011The experience of expatriates qualified nurses in Malta : an exploratory study.Attard Bason, Helen
2004An exploratory study on pre-hospital nursing careCamilleri, Mark Anthony (2004)
2012Factors affecting assertiveness among nurses.Brincat, Maria Alda
2021Interpersonal spirituality in enhancing nurses' and midwives' competence in providing spiritual care; Competence 2Attard, Josephine; Atarhim, Mohd Arif; Dobrowolska, Beata; Jomeen, Julie; Pike, Joanne; Whelan, Jacqueline
2018Looking after adults with a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube in the community : exploring the perceived needs of informal carers : a grounded theory approachSpiteri Mercieca, Francesca
1992The needs of relatives of critically ill patients in the Intensive Therapy UnitGriscti, Odette
1995Nurse manpower at St. Luke's Hospital.Bezzina, Emmanuel
2005The nurse's role in helping patients understand the nature and treatment of myocardial infarctionQuattromani, Rakela
2020Nurses' and nurse manager's perceived transformational leadership behavioural practices : a surveySammut, Roberta; Scicluna, Amanda
2011The nurses' attitudes and knowledge of self-injurious behaviour in children and adolescentsSiegersma, Chris (2011)
2006Nurses' awareness of the prevention and management of needle-stick injuriesMizzi, Christiana
2006Nurses' knowledge about smoking cessation.Debono, Stefania