Browsing by Subject Passeridae
Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1995 | Male Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis run over by a car while fighting | Thake, Martin A. |
1977 | New hybrid Passer montanus X Passer hispaniolensis | Smith, Frank; Borg, Sammy |
1999 | Nocturnal activity in Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis | Attard Montalto, John |
1980 | Passer species on Sardinia | Summers-Smith, Denis |
2010 | Re-assessment of the Rock sparrow Petronia petronia record of 1957 | Borg, John J. |
1979 | The Spanish sparrow in Malta | Summers-Smith, Denis |
1992 | Spanish sparrows dismembering flowers | Thake, Martin A. |
1992 | Spanish sparrows eating swarming termites (Insecta : Isoptera) | Thake, Martin A. |
1995 | Spanish sparrows Passer hispaniolensis feeding on Swarming winged ant Camponatus barbaricus | Thake, Martin A. |
1981 | Sparrows on Crete | Summers-Smith, D. |
2020 | Spotting sparrows : using a citizen science-based approach to research Spanish Sparrow roosts and promote urban conservation in Malta | Piludu, Nicola; Law, Jennifer |
1977 | Taxonomical position of the Tree sparrow of Malta | Keve, Andrew |
1999 | Trogloxene behaviour by Spanish sparrows Passer hispaniolensis at Ghar Dalam cave, Malta | Borg, John J. |
2002 | Vertebrate inclusions in the diet of the Spanish sparrow Passer hispaniolensis | Falzon, Victor |