Browsing by Subject Patient compliance

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-03Assessing medication adherence and condition-related knowledge of heart failure patientsDebono, Ivan; Grech, Louise; Xuereb, Robert G.; Azzopardi, Lilian M.; Debono, Ivan; Grech, Louise; Xuereb, Robert G.; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2019The association between medication adherence and knowledge about medication wastage in the communityWest, Lorna Marie; Stewart, Derek; Cordina, Maria
2009Beliefs and behaviours concerning hypertension and its treatment.Vella, Annette
2012Compliance to treatment of clients' on automated peritoneal dialysis.Xuereb, Pamela
2005Controlling asthma and improving quality of lifeCordina, Maria
2014-12The Dental Probe : issue 52 : December 14Muscat, David
2017-04Developing tools to support patient safety in a transitional care service for methotrexate patientsVella, Jonathan; Grech, Louise; Rogers, Marilyn; Cassar, Kathlene; Balzan, Dustin; Cassar, Paul John; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
1986-05Drug therapy in the elderlyCiappara, Mary Ann
2012Effectiveness of radial approach in coronary angiographies : in adult patients undergoing coronary angiography, is a radial approach more effective in improving patient outcomes when compared to femoral approach?Calleja, Diandra
2024Improvement in pain and patient comfort during injection of local anaesthesia with the use of sodium bicarbonateParnis, Juanita; Dowling, Jessica; Gili, Natalia
2017-09Integrated collaborative care modelsAnastasi, Alison; Serracino-Inglott, Anthony; Azzopardi, Lilian M.
2012Medication adherence : patient education, communication and behaviourDe Brincat, Michael
2017Medication adherence in the aging population : the role of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsMifsud, Janet
2012Nurses' perception of promoting adherence to medications suffering from mental illness.Azzopardi, Carmen
1995Parallel interval-based reasoning in medical knowledge-based system ClinaidKohout, Ladislav J.; Stabile, Isabel; Kalantart, Hasan; San-Andres, Maria F.; Anderson, John
1994Patient compliance with short-term topical aural antibiotic therapyAgius, Adrian M.; Reid, A.P.; Hamilton, Clayton
2010Patient-oriented personality traits of first-year pharmacy studentsLauri, Mary Anne; Cordina, Maria; Lauri, Josef
2016Patients’ willingness to access cross-border healthcareBusuttil, M. L.; Azzopardi Muscat, Natasha; Calleja, Neville
2009A phase type survival tree model for clustering patients’ hospital length of stayGarg, Lalit; McClean, Sally; Meenan, Brian; Millard, Peter
1995Preparation of the patient for dialysis : an improvement in quality care and a benefit to the health.Bugeja, Anthony