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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Architecture and sequence stratigraphy of the Upper Coralline Limestone formation, Malta - implications for Eastern Mediterranean restriction prior to the Messinian Salinity CrisisBialik, Or M.; Zammit, Ray; Micallef, Aaron
2021Depositional mechanism of the upper Pliocene-Pleistocene shelf-slope system of the western Malta Plateau (Sicily Channel)Todaro, S.; Sulli, Attilio; Spatola, Daniele; Micallef, Aaron; Stefano, P. Di; Basilone, Gualtiero
2018A fast refill of the Mediterranean after the Messinian salinity crisis? Looking for independent evidenceGarcia-Castellanos, Daniel; Micallef, Aaron; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Abril, José María; Periañez, Raul; Estrada, Ferran; Ercilla, Gemma
2021Formation of box canyons by mass failure in limestone : a modelling study of the role of groundwater seepageSaadatkhah, Nader; Micallef, Aaron
2020Impact of sea-level fluctuations on the sedimentation patterns of the SE African margin : implications for slope instabilityMicallef, Aaron; Georgiopoulou, Aggeliki; Green, Andrew; Maselli, Vittorio
2012Polyphase emplacement of a 30 km3 blocky debris avalanche and its role in slope-gullMountjoy, Joshu J.; Micallef, Aaron
2019Reconstructed Messinian palaeotopography of the Northern Sicily Continental Margin (Central Mediterranean) and recognition of Zanclean ChannelsSulli, Attilio; Zizzo, Elisabetta; Micallef, Aaron; Spatola, Daniele
2018Seismostratigraphic reconstruction of the Messinian palaeotopography across the Northern Sicily Continental Margin (NSCM) and an overlying Zanclean megaflood depositZizzo, E.; Spatola, D.; Sulli, A.; Micallef, Aaron
2018Topographic and stratigraphic signatures of a Mediterranean-wide megaflood at the end of the Messinian Salinity CrisisMicallef, Aaron; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Camerlenghi, Angelo; Garcia-Castellanos, Daniel; Cunarro Otero, Daniel; Gutscher, Marc-André; Barreca, Giovanni; Spatola, Daniele; Facchin, Lorenzo; Geletti, Riccardo; Krastel, Sebastian; Gross, Felix; Urlaub, Morelia