Browsing by Subject Positive psychology

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023The benefits of tourism and travel to the tourist's well-being : a conceptual discussionEbejer, John
2010-11Editorial [International Journal of Emotional Education, 2(2)]Cooper, Paul; Cefai, Carmel
2013-04Editorial [International Journal of Emotional Education, 5(1)]Cooper, Paul; Cefai, Carmel
2015Flow : an investigative study into contemporary dancers’ experiences of flow states within the choreographic and rehearsal processesDavies, Gabriella Leanne
2024How mindfulness translates into engagement and flourishing : the role of flowLjubin Golub, Tajana; Gajšek, Martina
2013The journey within : stories of how mental health professionals give meaning to their own sense of well-beingFarrugia, Ruth
2024"POP!" (Proclamation of Positivity) : a guidebook of activities and exercises to enhance flourshing at schoolErasmus+ KA2 International Project
2019Positivity matters : how positive thinking and emotions influence physical health and well-beingMuscat, Daniel
2017Professionals’ understanding and knowledge of growth after traumaGrech Muscat, Analise
2017-06The relationship of personality, spirituality and postraumatic growth to subjective wellbeingGalea, Michael
2021The relationship of personality, spirituality and PTG to subjective wellbeingGalea, Michael
2008The resilient adolescent : factors protecting male secondary students at riskCutajar, Miriam (2008)
2024Servant leadership in the light of the positive organizational scholarship trendPfejfer-Buczek, Anna; Nowicka, Julia; Ciekanowski, Zbigniew; Król, Agnieszka
2009Towards a positive psychologyDarmanin, Alfred