Browsing by Subject Power electronics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 33  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-05Allocation of harmonic voltage limits for offshore wind power plants grid connection impact studyYu, Jin-Ting; Su, Chun-Lien; Rouhani, Seyed Hossein; Sadiq, Muhammad; Elsisi, Mahmoud
1990Automated greasing machine for switch gear component using P.L.C. controlJoslin, Matthew E. (1990) Mifsud, Stephen (1990)
2008Body-area network for wireless patient monitoringMonton, E.; Hernandez, J. F.; Blasco, J. M.; Herve, T.; Micallef, Joseph; Grech, Ivan; Brincat, Andrea; Traver, V.
2019Commissioning of a wireless power transfer systemPisani, Matthew
2023Common dc-link capacitor harmonic current minimization for cascaded converters by optimized phase-shift modulationZhou, Xuanyi; Choy, Wei Juin; Alcaide, Abraham M.; Wang, Shuo; Guenter, Sandro; Leon, Jose I.; Monopoli, Vito Giuseppe; Franquelo, Leopoldo G.; Liserre, Marco; Gerada, Chris; Buticchi, Giampaolo; Galea, Michael
2020A DC brushless drive for a micro light aircraftFsadni, Michael
2015Design of a grid connected inverter for a small wind turbineCiappara, Luca
2016Design of CMOS front-end circuitry for the acquisition of biopotential signalsMagri, Josef; Grech, Ivan; Casha, Owen; Gatt, Edward; Micallef, Joseph
2020Development of a vehicle cyber physical system for sustainability analysisBorg, Massimo (2020)
2015Digital isolated voltage measurement with ADCMizzi, Daniel
1993Double converter D.C. driveZammit, Jesmond (1993)
1992Drives for power electronics devicesBorg, Rene (1992)
2025Dual output voltage balancing strategy in EV charging stations using model predictive controlSadiq, Muhammad; Su, Chun-Lien; Aragon, Carlos Alfaro; Mutarraf, Muhammad Umair; Nhat Hoang, Le Quang; Buzna, Lubos; Micallef, Alexander
1996An educational aid for the study of overcurrent and earthfault protectionZahra, Adrian (1996)
1994Educational single-phase DC/AC converter using GTO thyristorLoughborough, Kevin Edward (1994)
2016An electric powered catamaran designed with a smart charging systemCassar, D.; Cilia, J.; De Marco Muscat-Fenech, Claire
1986Electronic power meterFarrugia, Francis (1986)
2021Experimental analysis of hill-climbing MPPT algorithms under low irradiance levelsJately, Vibhu; Azzopardi, Brian; Joshi, Jyoti; Venkateswaran, Balaji; Sharma, Abhinav; Arora, Sudha
2013Governor for speed control and synchronization of various systemsXuereb, Mauro (2013)
2022Innovative power conditioning and interfacing circuitry for various energy harvesting devicesGalea, Francarl (2022)