Showing results 1 to 20 of 24
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Accidental science | Xuereb, Andre; Cameron, Sara |
2018 | Charging a quantum battery : investigation of the quantum advantage provided by entanglement | Chetcuti, Wayne Jordan (2018) |
2013 | Effective cutting of a quantum spin chain by bond impurities | Apollaro, Tony John George; Plastina, F.; Banchi, L.; Cuccoli, A.; Vaia, R.; Verrucchi, P.; Paternostro, M. |
2011 | Efficient quantum information transfer through a uniform channel | Banchi, Leonardo; Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, Alessandro; Vaia, Ruggero; Verrucchi, Paola |
2022 | Entangled states are harder to transfer than product states | Apollaro, Tony John George; Lorenzo, Salvatore; Plastina, Francesco; Consiglio, Mirko; Życzkowski, Karol |
2019-03 | Entanglement distribution over a 96-km-long submarine optical fiber | Wengerowsky, Soren; Koduru Joshia, Siddarth; Steinlechnera, Fabian; Zichig, Julien R.; Dobrovolskiyh, Sergiy M.; Van der Molen, Rene; Losh, Johannes W. N.; Zwillerg, Val; Versteeghg, Marijn A. M.; Murai, Alberto; Calonicoi, Davide; Inguscioj, Massimo; Hubel, Hannes; Boa, Liu; Scheidla, Thomas; Zeilingera, Anton; Xuereb, Andre; Ursin, Rupert |
2006 | Entanglement localization by a single defect in a spin chain | Apollaro, Tony John George; Plastina, Francesco |
2008 | Entanglement modulation in a spin chain by a local impurity | Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, Alessandro; Fubini, Andrea; Plastina, Francesco; Verrucchi, Paola |
2007 | Local control of entanglement in a spin chain | Plastina, Francesco; Apollaro, Tony John George |
2011 | Long quantum channels for high-quality entanglement transfer | Banchi, L.; Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, A.; Vaia, R.; Verrucchi, P. |
2010 | Manipulating and protecting entanglement by means of spin environments | Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, A.; Di Franco, C.; Paternostro, Mauro; Plastina, Francesco; Verrucchi, P. |
2014 | More nonlocality with less entanglement in a tripartite atom-optomechanical system | Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Tiancai; Xuereb, Andre; Vitali, David; Lie, Jie |
2012 | Multipartite optomechanical entanglement from competing nonlinearities | Xuereb, Andre; Barbieri, Marco; Paternostro, Mauro |
2010 | Optimal dynamics for quantum-state and entanglement transfer through homogeneous quantum systems | Banchi, L.; Apollaro, Tony John George; Cuccoli, A.; Vaia, R.; Verrucchi, P. |
2020-05 | Optimal estimation with quantum optomechanical systems in the nonlinear regime | Schneiter, Fabienne; Qvarfort, Sofia; Serafini, Alessio; Xuereb, Andre; Braun, Daniel; Ratzel, Dennis; Edward Bruschi, David |
2020 | Passively stable distribution of polarisation entanglement over 192 km of deployed optical fibre | Wengerowsky, Sören; Koduru Joshi, Siddarth; Steinlechner, Fabian; Zichi, Julien R.; Liu, Bo; Scheidl, Thomas; Dobrovolskiy, Sergiy M.; van der Molen, René; Los, Johannes W. N.; Zwiller, Val Z.; Versteegh, Marijn A. M.; Mura, Alberto; Calonico, Davide; Inguscio, Massimo; Zeilinger, Anton; Xuereb, Andre; Ursin, Rupert |
2011 | Propagation of nonclassical correlations across a quantum spin chain | Campbell, S.; Apollaro, Tony John George; Di Franco, C.; Banchi, L.; Cuccoli, A.; Vaia, R.; Plastina, F.; Paternostro, Mauro |
2016 | The rise of the quantum machines | Millen, James; Xuereb, Andre |
2021 | The role of localizable concurrence in quantum teleportation protocols | Consiglio, Mirko; Zammit Mangion, Louis; Apollaro, Tony John George |
2013 | Routing quantum information in spin chains | Paganelli, Simone; Lorenzo, Salvatore; Apollaro, Tony John George; Plastina, Francesco; Giorgi, Gian Luca |