Browsing by Subject Social representations

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Alternating dominance : social categorization, group formation and the problem of bordersSammut, Gordon
2015Attitudes, social representations and points of viewSammut, Gordon
2008Changing public opinion towards organ donationLauri, Mary Anne
2009Commentary : We don't share! The social representation approach, enactivism and the fundamental incompatibilities between the twoChryssides, Alison; Dashtipour, Parisa; Keshet, Shira; Righi, Celine; Sammut, Gordon; Sartawi, Mohammad
2017Contemporary cultures and intercultural encountersAndreouli, Eleni; Sammut, Gordon
2011Cultural encounters and social solidaritySammut, Gordon; Gillespie, Alex
2012Explaining social behavior in situ : the study of points of viewSammut, Gordon; Gaskell, George
2010Interobjectivity : representations and artefacts in cultural psychologySammut, Gordon; Daanen, Paul; Sartawi, Mohammad
2014“It's only other people who make me feel black” : acculturation, identity, and agency in a multicultural communityHowarth, Caroline; Wagner, Wolfgang; Magnusson, Nicola; Sammut, Gordon
2018Knowledge and experience : interobjectivity, subjectivity and social relationsSammut, Gordon; Bauer, Martin W.; Jovchelovitch, Sandra
2009Metaphors of organ donation, social representations of the body and the opt-out systemLauri, Mary Anne
2023The minimal model of argumentation : qualitative data analysis for epistemic speech, text and policyBuhagiar, Luke Joseph; Sammut, Gordon
2023Minority arguments on integration : Arabs in the Southern European state of MaltaBuhagiar, Luke Joseph; Sammut, Gordon
2010The point of view : towards a social psychology of relativitySammut, Gordon
2022The role of worldviews in predicting support for recreational cannabisSammut, Gordon; Mifsud, Rebekah; Brockdorff, Noellie
2018Self-other positioning : insights into children’s understanding of risks in new mediaFarrugia, Lorleen
2021Sense making processes and social representations of Covid-19 in multi-voiced public discourse : illustrative examples of institutional and media communication in ten countriesde Rosa, Annamaria Silvana; Mannarini, Terri; de Montes, Lorena Gil; holman, Andrei; Lauri, Mary Anne; Negura, Lilian; Giacomozzi, Andréia Isabel; da Silva Bousfield, Andréa Barbará; Justo, Ana Maria; de Alba, Martha; Seidmann, Susana; Permanadeli, Risa; Sitto, Karabo; Lubinga, Elizabeth
2016Situational social cognition : the intricate architecture of social representations, attitudes and points of viewSammut, Gordon
2015Social change, social marketing and social representationsLauri, Mary Anne
2012Social psychologyHarré, Rom; Moghaddam, Fathali; Sammut, Gordon