Browsing by Subject Stocks

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006An analysis of stock index distributions of selected emerging marketsCamilleri, Silvio John
1975Company shares and their transferPullicino, Paul
2022A comparative analysis of active and passive portfolio managementAquilina, Kaylee (2022)
2012Cooperation on stocks recoverFilipe, José António; Ferreira, Manuel Alberto M.; Coelho, Manuel; Pedro, Maria Isabel
2004Corporate reputation : a study among shareholders of MaltacomCohen, Charlene (2004)
1998Creation of a global equity fund performance and analysisBorg, Charles (1998)
2005Cross listing, global shares e azioni dematerializzateMarano, Pierpaolo
2021Deep reinforcement learning for financial portfolio optimisationCuchieri, Nigel (2021)
2022Determinants of stock returns in developed marketsTerribile, Gianluca (2022)
1989The EEC directives regarding stock exchange requirements : their impact on the local business environmentCutajar, Walter C. (1989)
2006The effect of perceived performance risk and brand trust on the intention to purchase bank shares : assessing the brand personality of two bank brandsMifsud, Conrad Philip (2006); Magrin, Marguerite (2006)
2015Examining firms quoted in Borsa Istanbul IT index via ratio analysisYaghi, Hatem; Kanbur, Yakup
2001Financing capital projects in the Maltese markets : an analysis of the current situation and recent trendsDelia, Maria (2001)
2014Forecasting the direction of BIST 100 returns with artificial neural network modelsBilgin Kılıç, Süleyman; Paksoy, Semin; Genç, Tolga
2020The impact of a stock split and the economic value added on stock returnGrima, Simon; Surtikanti, Surtikanti; Anggadini, Sri Dewi
2020The impact of supply disruption on the standing order system in the FMCG supply chainKulinska, E.; Giera, J.; Kolchanov, A.
2024The influence of capital structure on financial performance : a statistical analysis of Robin Corporation Ltd in Zimbabwe’s beverage industryGovere, Gerard Zvikomborero; Wadesango, Ongayi
2021Investigating the use of reinforcement learning in automated test case generationFormosa, Matthew (2021)
2021Is trading on earnings surprises a profitable strategy? : evidence from the S&P 500 stock indexEllul Sullivan, Eric Anthony (2021)
2013La circolazione delle azioni dematerializzate e la disciplina dei mercatiMarano, Pierpaolo