Browsing by Subject Wine and wine making

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-09Annual activity report 2014 - 2015Camilleri, Kenneth P.; Camilleri, Kenneth P.
2018Consumer wine knowledge : components and segmentsEllis, Debbie; Caruana, Albert
2015Does objective and subjective knowledge vary between opinion leaders and opinion seekers? Implications for wine marketingVigar-Ellis, Debbie; Pitt, Leyland F.; Caruana, Albert
2015The effects of objective and subjective knowledge on the exploratory acquisition of winePitt, Leyland; Mattison Thompson, Frauke; Engstrom, Anne; Vella, Joseph M.; Mills, Adam; Kietzmann, Jan
2018Exploring emotions on wine websites : finding joyTreen, Emily; Ferguson, Sarah Lord; Pitt, Christine; Vella, Joseph M.
2006Glossarju Ingliż-Malti Malti-Ingliż : tema il-produzzjoni ta' l-inbidScerri, Muriel (2006)
1953Il-Bidwi : issue 166Malta. Department of Agriculture; Orlando, Ġużè
1945Il-Bidwi : issue 52Malta. Department of Agriculture; Zammit Marmara’, C.
2015The impact of knowledge type on the acquisition of wineRobson, Karen; Campbell, Colin; Vigar-Ellis, Debbie; Caruana, Albert; Pitt, Leyland
2012Lectures 18 : program 12 : food and wine, love and deathPalazzo Falson Historic House Museum; Varriano, John
2017Mapping country wine brand personalities, examples from five nations : an abstractTreen, Emily; Grant, Philip; Heerden, Gene Van; Vella, Joseph M.; Botha, Elsamari; Chan, Anthony
2021Materiality matrix use in aligning and determining a firm’s sustainable business model archetype and triple bottom line impact on stakeholdersGeldress-Weiss, Valeska V.; Gambetta, Nicolas; Massa, Nathaniel P.; Geldres-Weiss, Skania L.
1933Melita Agricola : issue 4Malta. Department of Agriculture
2016Modelling and temperature control of a wine fermentation process with solar coolingFabri, Simon G.; Agius, Joseph; Ghirlando, Robert; Axisa, Redeemer
2009The performance of Syrah vine variety trained according to the Double Guyot and the Cordon Speronato trellising systems.Vella, Dennis (2009)
2018Positioning of wine tourism websites across different country winescapes : a lexical analyses and implicationsCassar, Mario L.; Caruana, Albert; Vella, Joseph M.
2017The probe : programs 1-17Chambers, Monique
2019The serious side to funny cartoons : understanding public perception of wine through cartoon content analysisMatheson, Kristin; Plangger, Kirk; Kietzmann, Jan; Vella, Joseph M.; Grant, Philip
2016Where to visit, what to drink? A cross-national perspective on wine estate brand personalitiesMorrish, Sussie C.; Pitt, Leyland; Vella, Joseph M.; Botha, Elsamari