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Title: Important canonical enactments on the ecclesiastical benefices of the Maltese Islands
Authors: Borg, Vincent (1960)
Keywords: Canon law
Benefices, Ecclesiastical
Ecclesiastical -- Malta -- History
Issue Date: 1960
Citation: Borg, V. (1960). Important canonical enactments on the ecclesiastical benefices of the Maltese Islands (Doctoral dissertation).
Abstract: To those who an well acquainted with local ecclesiastics' history, the title of this thesis is bound to suggest vast field at research and study, in truth, tee vast for such a thesis. To make things as much as clear as possible from the very beginning of this work, this title does not mean to imply that all important enactments on Maltese ecclesiastical benefice' have been duly analysed examined in the research entailed in the compilation of this work. A perusal of the Table of Contents will immediately show that no pretentions at such an exhaustive work have been aimed at in this dissertation. In fact, one will, eventually. find out that only some of these enactments form the subject of this. These enactments are two, namely, (a) the Indult which Pope Lee the Tenth granted tot he Maltese Islands and (b) the implementation in Malta of the acrees enacted by the Council of Trent in order to provide the funds needed for the erection and upkeep of Seminaries. There are other important enactments on Maltese benefices, which one would, also, have liked to study here, Chief among which is the Motu Proprio of Pope Pius VII. This papal document was given to our island in 1777. Similarly, with some change in the title of this work, one could have studied and analysed the pronouncements "in materia beneficiaria", given by our Civil Law Courts after the Ordinance of 1828. But it was felt necessary to limit this study to the two enactments previously mentioned, otherwise too many ramifications would have been included here. Perhaps some future study will deal with what, for the time being, have been left out. [...]
Description: PH.D.THEOLOGY
Appears in Collections:Dissertations - FacThe - 1968-2010

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