Dissertations - FacThe - 1968-2010 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 442
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Twentieth century religious paintings and sculptures in Malta : a critical and historical analysisBorg, Emanuel (2005)
2006Nurturing ecclesial communion through interpersonal priestly relationshipsMicallef, Reuben (2006)
2004The Franciscan Capuchin charism of brotherhoodAttard, Mario (2004)
2003Popular religiosity in Malta : an application of the directory on popular pietyCini, Carlo (2003)
2006The image of the church and new age spirituality : analysis and new perspectivesCassar, Joyce (2006)
2005Religious education and the needs of adolescents from broken familiesSammut, Maria (2005)
2006Personal values and public choices of Catholic politiciansCardona, Alfiero (2006)
2005Participation of the laity in the social ministry of the Church in NigeriaUmanah, Patrick A. (2005)
1984Some sociological aspects about the Jehovah’s Witnesses in MaltaVella, Alfred (1984)
2002Liturgical artefacts in Malta during the Knights' rule and their theological significanceCannataci, Doris (2002)
2009Sign and signification : networks of discernment in the ChurchFrancalanza, Raymond (2009)
1998The ethical implications of Christian life in Saint Augustine of Hippo's De sermone Domini in monteCaruana, Salvino (1998)
1960Important canonical enactments on the ecclesiastical benefices of the Maltese IslandsBorg, Vincent (1960)
1955The Tridentine reform in the Diocese of MaltaBorg, Anthony (1955)
1980Introducing children to a live liturgyAttard, Doris (1980)
1974The ecclesiology of Karl BarthDebono, Joseph M. (1974)
1999Jesus, the holy fool : an archetypal study of the gospel JesusStewart, Elizabeth-Anne (1999)
1994Donum Vitae : continuity and development in Church teachingBarbara, Emanuel (1994)
2003The examen of consciousness in Ignation spiritualityGatt, Rita (2003)
2003Psalm 51 in the Confessions of St. AugustineDeguara, Maria (2003)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 442

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