Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | Twentieth century religious paintings and sculptures in Malta : a critical and historical analysis | Borg, Emanuel (2005) |
2006 | Nurturing ecclesial communion through interpersonal priestly relationships | Micallef, Reuben (2006) |
2004 | The Franciscan Capuchin charism of brotherhood | Attard, Mario (2004) |
2003 | Popular religiosity in Malta : an application of the directory on popular piety | Cini, Carlo (2003) |
2006 | The image of the church and new age spirituality : analysis and new perspectives | Cassar, Joyce (2006) |
2005 | Religious education and the needs of adolescents from broken families | Sammut, Maria (2005) |
2006 | Personal values and public choices of Catholic politicians | Cardona, Alfiero (2006) |
2005 | Participation of the laity in the social ministry of the Church in Nigeria | Umanah, Patrick A. (2005) |
1984 | Some sociological aspects about the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Malta | Vella, Alfred (1984) |
2002 | Liturgical artefacts in Malta during the Knights' rule and their theological significance | Cannataci, Doris (2002) |
2009 | Sign and signification : networks of discernment in the Church | Francalanza, Raymond (2009) |
1998 | The ethical implications of Christian life in Saint Augustine of Hippo's De sermone Domini in monte | Caruana, Salvino (1998) |
1960 | Important canonical enactments on the ecclesiastical benefices of the Maltese Islands | Borg, Vincent (1960) |
1955 | The Tridentine reform in the Diocese of Malta | Borg, Anthony (1955) |
1980 | Introducing children to a live liturgy | Attard, Doris (1980) |
1974 | The ecclesiology of Karl Barth | Debono, Joseph M. (1974) |
1999 | Jesus, the holy fool : an archetypal study of the gospel Jesus | Stewart, Elizabeth-Anne (1999) |
1994 | Donum Vitae : continuity and development in Church teaching | Barbara, Emanuel (1994) |
2003 | The examen of consciousness in Ignation spirituality | Gatt, Rita (2003) |
2003 | Psalm 51 in the Confessions of St. Augustine | Deguara, Maria (2003) |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 442