Dissertations - FacSoWCri - 2014 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Analysis of crime trends in the island of GozoXerri, Joseph
2014Bullying prevention programmes in Gozo secondary schoolsXiberras, Mario
2014The incidence of ATM fraud in MaltaXuereb, Kristie
2014Analysis of crime trends in the island of GozoXerri, Joseph
2014Cyber-harassment among University studentsVella, Jessica
2014Disregarded victims of crime : the effects of parental incarceration on childrenMicallef, Lara
2014Child victims and child witnesses of sexual abuse : is the criminal justice system addressing the child’s vulnerability with adequate techniques?Hili, Mariella
2014Re-visiting Whitechapel, East LondonSchembri, Shanice
2014Sex crimes in Gozo : the perceptions of community leadersGrech, Maria
2014Psychological characteristics of Maltese convicted sex offendersSaliba, Graziella
2014Terrorism : why does aircraft hijacking occur?Grech, Danica
2014A comparative study of the drugs strategies of different European countries and their effectivenessGrech, Deborah
2014Law, society and cannabis : different views on legislation from the Maltese general publicFerriggi, Ian
2014The effect of the media (cartoons and TV series) on school children in Malta : educators’ perspectivesMuchmore, Blaine Patrick
2014The ‘hidden crime’ : subtle abuse of the elderly in a small island community (Gozo)Farrugia, Miriam
2014The phenomenon of offences with particular reference to youths in GozoMompalao, Eve
2014The introduction of an environmental court in Malta : a qualitative studyDebono, Rachel
2014The reporting of crime by the Maltese press : a reappraisal of Farrugia (2006)Pace, Christopher
2014Legalising prostitution as a job description : comparing Malta with the NetherlandsBonello, Lianne
2014Rules of Arrest : a comparative study between an EU country (Malta) and non-EU country (Switzerland)Bonello, Pauline (2014)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20

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