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Title: Extending Preselected Items Evaluation (PIE) with the ATA (American Translators Association) error categories for objective and targeted translation evaluation
Authors: Colman, Amy
Segers, Winibert
Verplaetse, Heidi
Keywords: Translating and interpreting -- Evaluation
American Translators Association
Translators -- Training of
Translating and interpreting -- Technological innovations
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Equinox Publishing Ltd.
Citation: Colman, A., Segers, W., & Verplaetse, H. (2023). Extending Preselected Items Evaluation (PIE) with the ATA (American Translators Association) error categories for objective and targeted translation evaluation. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 17(3), 274-293.
Abstract: This paper proposes to extend Preselected Items Evaluation (PIE), an item-based analytical method that seeks to provide greater objectivity in translation evaluation, with the error categories of the American Translators Association’s (ATA) Framework for Standardized Error Marking. The aim is to address a shortcoming of PIE, specifically its restriction to the identification of error numbers, disregarding error types. We describe the application of PIE and the ATA Framework for Standardized Error Marking and explain the advantages of combining PIE with the ATA error categories. We also outline the findings of a pilot study using this method and suggest proposals for further research.
ISSN: 20403666
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacArtTTI

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