IJEE, Volume 15 Issue 1 Collection home page Statistics

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-04Editorial [International Journal of Emotional Education, 15(1)]Cefai, Carmel
2023-04Affective and emotional experiences in arts-based service-learning environmentsJacobs, Rachael
2023-04Promoting socio-emotional skills in initial teacher training : an emotional educational programmeCaires, Susana; Alves, Regina; Martins, Ȃngela; Magalhães, Patrícia; Valentec, Sabina
2023-04A multi-component curriculum to promote teachers’ mental health : findings from the PROMEHS programCavioni, Valeria; Grazzani, Ilaria; Ornaghi, Veronica; Agliati, Alessia; Gandellini, Sabina; Cefai, Carmel; Camilleri, Liberato; Bartolo, Paul A.; Tatalović Vorkapić, Sanja; Golob, Lana; Poulou, Maria S.; Martinsone, Baiba; Supe, Inga; Simões, Celeste; Lebre, Paula; Colomeischi, Aurora Adina; Rusu, Petruta; Acostoaie, Lidia; Vintur, Tatiana; Conte, Elisabetta
2023-04Antecedents of empathic capacity : emotion regulation styles as mediators between controlling versus autonomy - supportive maternal practices and empathyKalman-Halevia, Maya; Kanat-Maymonb, Yaniv; Rothc, Guy
2023-04Medical students’ empathy during the COVID-19 pandemic : a cross-sectional studyTriffaux, Jean-Marc; Tisseron, Serge; Nasello, Julian A.
2023-04A study of the relationship between ethical sensitivity and emotional intelligence in nursing, anesthesia, and operating room studentsMosallanezhad, Mina; Torabizadeh, Camellia; Zarshenas, Ladan
2023-04Emotional intelligence and perfectionism among gifted and non-identified studentsOzdogan, Dilek; Akgul, Savas
2023-04Learning support zones : former students' experience and perceived impact on home and work environmentCassar, Elise; Abela, Angela
2023-04The coach’s role in young athletes’ emotional competence and psychological well-beingAguinaga San José, Iñigo; Martinez-Pampliega, Ana; Santamaría, Txemi; Merino Ramos, Laura
2023-04The effect of traditional play on the emotional intelligence, social ability, and self-esteem of children in Korean child welfare centers : a mixed-methods studyLim, Hye-Soo
2023-04Book reviews [International Journal of Emotional Education, 15(1)]Cowie, Helen
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12