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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 339
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016The female labour supply response of an income tax reform in Malta : a discrete choice approachVella, Melchior
2025-01-06What six leading figures are predicting for 2025Magri, Giulia; Briguglio, Marie; Pizzuto, Andre; Stivala, Michael; Attard, Toni; Naudi, Marceline; Zahra, Tony
2024Academic oration at the Bachelor of Commerce graduation ceremonyBriguglio, Marie
2024-11-09Budget 2025 : we asked five experts about the bigger pictureMagri, Giulia; Briguglio, Marie; Xuereb, Marisa; Flask, Wayne; Galea, Maria; Attard, Maria
2024Lino Briguglio : no man is an islandBriguglio, Marie; Briguglio, Michael
2024Featured in United Nations Photo Exhibition "Not a woman’s job? Breaking Barriers in Science”University of Malta. Newspoint
2024Editorial : budgeting for quality of lifeTimes of Malta
2024Kull miżura tal-Budget se tkun xprunata lejn id-direzzjoni strateġika li rridu nieħdu l-ekonomija fihaL-Orizzont
202436% tal-istudenti jesperjenzaw ġlied fl-iskejjelCamilleri, Elaine
2024Citizen collaboration in coastal monitoring - the promise and pitfalls of digital appsBriguglio, Marie; Gann-Perkal, Hadas
2024Wellbeing in small island states - insights for policy-makersBriguglio, Marie
2024Turning the tide : policy interventions for single-use plastic waste in small islandsNguyen, Luca; Briguglio, Marie; Rojer, Guido
2024-03-25Editorial : the well-being of Malta’s young : two reports about the state of Malta’s young people are cause for concernTimes of Malta
2024-03-20Iż-żgħażagħ Maltin fost l-inqas ferħanin fl-EwropaEngland, Jade
2024-07-01The Maltese : among the most worried and stressed in the world – reportCummings, James
2024It-tfal mhux kollha f’qagħda tajba – data ġdida tikxef nuqqas ta’ sodisfazzjon taħt dehra ta’ benesseriThe Malta Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society
2024New Malta Wellbeing Index report presented to parliament on world day of happinessUniversity of Malta
2024Wellbeing determinants among adults in MaltaBriguglio, Marie; Vella, Melchior; Gravino, Daniel
2024Beyond GDP : wellbeing metrics for MaltaBriguglio, Marie; Camilleri, Carl; Camilleri Fenech, Margaret; Mangion, Natalia; Spiteri, Jonathan; Spiteri, Glen W.
2024Beyond measurement - insights for wellbeing policy in MaltaBriguglio, Marie; Portelli, Charmaine; Formosa, Olga; Mangion, Natalia
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 339