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dc.contributor.authorTartari Bonnici, Ermira-
dc.contributor.authorBellissimo‑Rodrigues, Fernando-
dc.contributor.authorPires, Daniela-
dc.contributor.authorFankhauser, Carolina-
dc.contributor.authorLotfnejad, Nasim-
dc.contributor.authorSaito, Hiroki-
dc.contributor.authorSuchomel, Miranda-
dc.contributor.authorKramer, Axel-
dc.contributor.authorAllegranzi, Benedetta-
dc.contributor.authorBoyce, John-
dc.contributor.authorSax, Hugo-
dc.contributor.authorStewardson, Andrew J.-
dc.contributor.authorPittet, Didier-
dc.contributor.authorICPIC Alcohol-Based Handrub Task Force-
dc.identifier.citationTartari Bonnici, E., Bellissimo-Rodrigues, F., Pires, D., Fankhauser, C., Lotfinejad, N., Saito, H.,...Pittet, D. (2024). Updates and future directions regarding hand hygiene in the healthcare setting: insights from the 3rd ICPIC alcohol-based handrub (ABHR) task force. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 13(1), 26.en_GB
dc.description.abstractHealthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) pose threats to global health. Effective hand hygiene is essential for preventing HAIs and the spread of AMR in healthcare. We aimed to highlight the recent progress and future directions in hand hygiene and alcohol-based handrub (ABHR) use in the healthcare setting. In September 2023, 42 experts in infection prevention and control (IPC) convened at the 3rd International Conference on Prevention and Infection Control (ICPIC) ABHR Taskforce in Geneva, Switzerland. The purpose of this meeting was to provide a synthesis of recent evidence and formulate a research agenda on four critical areas for the implementation of effective hand hygiene practices: (1) ABHR formulations and hand rubbing techniques, (2) low-resource settings and local production of ABHR, (3) hand hygiene monitoring and technological innovations, and (4) hand hygiene standards and guidelines.en_GB
dc.publisherBioMed Central Ltd.en_GB
dc.subjectInfection -- Prevention -- Congressesen_GB
dc.subjectHand -- Care and hygieneen_GB
dc.subjectCross infection -- Preventionen_GB
dc.subjectAntimicrobial resistanceen_GB
dc.subjectMedical care -- Technological innovationen_GB
dc.subjectPublic health -- International cooperation -- Congressesen_GB
dc.titleUpdates and future directions regarding hand hygiene in the healthcare setting : insights from the 3rd ICPIC alcohol-based handrub (ABHR) task forceen_GB
dc.rights.holderThe copyright of this work belongs to the author(s)/publisher. The rights of this work are as defined by the appropriate Copyright Legislation or as modified by any successive legislation. Users may access this work and can make use of the information contained in accordance with the Copyright Legislation provided that the author must be properly acknowledged. Further distribution or reproduction in any format is prohibited without the prior permission of the copyright holder.en_GB
dc.publication.titleAntimicrobial Resistance & Infection Controlen_GB
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacHScNur

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