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Title: Cultivating communication skills in times of crisis : the perceived impact of SEL techniques in formative assessment on the communication competence of pre-service teachers in Ukraine
Authors: Dmitrenko, Natalia
Panchenko, Violetta
Hladka, Olena
Shkola, Iryna
Devitska, Antonina
Keywords: Teachers -- Training of
English language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers
English language -- Study and teaching -- Ukraine
English teachers -- Training of
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: University of Malta. Centre for Resilience & Socio-Emotional Health
Citation: Dmitrenko, N., Panchenko, V., Hladka, O., Shkola, I., & Devitska, A. (2024). Cultivating communication skills in times of crisis : the perceived impact of SEL techniques in formative assessment on the communication competence of pre-service teachers in Ukraine. International Journal of Emotional Education, 16(2), 96-100.
Abstract: This study examined the integration of social-emotional learning (SEL) in formative assessment of pre-service English as foreign language (EFL) teachers during times of crisis and its perceived impact on their communicative competence. The study encompasses a six-month trial period of SEL-enriched formative assessments across five Ukrainian universities. Findings from interviews with 12 participants indicate that incorporating SEL in EFL teacher education programs enhanced learning outcomes, when compared to traditional assessment methods. Furthermore, data suggest that promoting SEL in formative assessment provides invaluable feedback for tutors, prompting them to modify their teaching strategies appropriately while applying and expanding pre-service EFL teachers’ professional-focused skills.
ISSN: 20737629
Appears in Collections:IJEE, Volume 16 Issue 2

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