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Title: Not sick enough to worry? "Influenza-like" symptoms and work-related behavior among healthcare workers and other professionals : results of a global survey
Authors: Tartari Bonnici, Ermira
Saris, Katja
Kenters, Nikki
Marimuthu, Kalisvar
Widmer, Andreas
Collignon, Peter
Cheng, Vincent C. C.
Wong, Shuk C.
Gottlieb, Thomas
Tambyah, Paul A.
Perencevich, Eli
Allegranzi, Benedetta
Dramowski, Angela
Edmond, Michael B.
Voss, Andreas
Authors: International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Infection and Prevention Control (ISAC-IPC) Working Group
Keywords: Medical personnel -- Health and hygiene
Cross infection -- Prevention
Medical care surveys
Infection -- Prevention
Industrial hygiene
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Citation: Tartari, E., Saris, K., Kenters, N., Marimuthu, K., Widmer, A., Collignon, P.,...International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Infection and Prevention Control (ISAC-IPC) Working Group. (2020). Not sick enough to worry?" Influenza-like" symptoms and work-related behavior among healthcare workers and other professionals: Results of a global survey. PLoS One, 15(5), e0232168.
Abstract: Background: Healthcare workers (HCWs) and non-HCWs may contribute to the transmission of influenza-like illness (ILI) to colleagues and susceptible patients by working while sick (presenteeism). The present study aimed to explore the views and behavior of HCWs and non-HCWs towards the phenomenon of working while experiencing ILI.
Methods: The study was a cross-sectional online survey conducted between October 2018 and January 2019 to explore sickness presenteeism and the behaviour of HCWs and non-HCWs when experiencing ILI. The survey questionnaire was distributed to the members and international networks of the International Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (ISAC) Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Working Group, as well as via social media platforms, including LinkedIn, Twitter and IPC Blog.
Results: In total, 533 respondents from 49 countries participated (Europe 69.2%, Asia-Pacific 19.1%, the Americas 10.9%, and Africa 0.8%) representing 249 HCWs (46.7%) and 284 non-HCWs (53.2%). Overall, 312 (58.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 56.2-64.6) would continue to work when sick with ILI, with no variation between the two categories. Sixty-seven (26.9%) HCWs and forty-six (16.2%) non-HCWs would work with fever alone (p<0 .01) Most HCWs (89.2-99.2%) and non-HCWs (80%-96.5%) would work with "minor" ILI symptoms, such as sore throat, sinus cold, fatigue, sneezing, runny nose, mild cough and reduced appetite.
Conclusion: A future strategy to successfully prevent the transmission of ILI in healthcare settings should address sick-leave policy management, in addition to encouraging the uptake of influenza vaccine.
ISSN: 19326203
Appears in Collections:Scholarly Works - FacHScNur

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