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Title: Variable overt marking of place/goal with place names as complements : on the competition between fi, ġewwa, and ġo
Authors: Stolz, Thomas
Levkovych, Nataliya
Vorholt, Maike
Keywords: Names, Geographical -- Malta -- Etymology
Maltese language -- Morphology
Maltese language -- Semantics
Maltese language -- Prepositions
Maltese language -- Suffixes and prefixes
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: University of Malta. Dipartiment tal-Malti
Citation: Stolz, T., Levkovych, N., & Vorholt, M. (2023). Variable overt marking of place/goal with place names as complements : on the competition between fi, ġewwa, and ġo. Journal of Maltese Studies, 30, 177-215
Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the interaction between the spatial prepositions fi, ġewwa, ġo and place names as their complements. On the basis of data extracted from the Korpus Malti 3.0, the token and type frequencies of the PPs are presented in order to determine the hierarchical order of the prepositions under scrutiny. Several criteria are checked as to their role in the choice of preposition for the function of expressing Place and Goal. The discussion of the facts is complemented by a preliminary comparison with constructions involving bare place names.
ISBN: 9789993279570
Appears in Collections:JMS, Volume 30

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